May Birthstones: Emerald, Agate, Sapphire and Moonstone

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By Jaylin Khan

May Birthstones: Emerald, Agate, Sapphire and Moonstone

People believe that May is the month of reunion. Those who are born in this month love to cherish hope. Their love for others is outstanding. Mastering the art of recovering relationships has opened their path towards prosperity. Emerald, the principal of May Birthstones, also helps in comeback in relationships. Its green colour symbolises spring, the season of youth. The wearers experience energy and prosperity. 

This article has delved deep into the various benefits that Emerald offers its users. Its alternatives are also given their due importance. We have tried our best to describe the vivid details of Emerald, Agate, Sapphire, and Moonstone. A brief buying guide at the end of each description will help the readers know how to purchase the ideal birthstone at the best rate. 

What is May’s Birthstone?

The month of May is synonymous to rebirth and new beginnings. It cherishes hope and materialises expectations. It is said that the month makes unrealistic reality. Nature is also said to regrow during May. Therefore, May Birthstones have been selected after thorough verification. Experts from the International Gemology Association have critically observed several gemstones before declaring the Principal and Alternative Birthstone for May. 

What do we call the May Birthstone?

People born in May express a high order of spirituality. The month is said to reconcile things. This also includes the regeneration of relationships between spouses, friends, and lovers. The main of May Birthstones, Emerald has close attachment with Heart and Third Eye Chakra. Thus, the gemstone influences wisdom and intuitive power in people. Its green shade symbolises youth. It also works in increasing stamina in people.

Both Emerald and the Alternative Birthstones for May protect the wearers from negative energies and enemies. These also release stress, clear ambiguity in the wearers’ minds and improve their decision-making power.

We have four gemstones to be called May Birthstones. Besides Emerald, the main one, others include Agate, Sapphire, and Moonstone.

The Principal May Birthstone – Emerald

Emerald is recognized as the principal of May Birthstones (For people born between May 1 and May 31). The gemstone is also a superb choice for Jewellery due to its elegance and bespoke aesthetics. The lead May Birthstone offers several spiritual benefits to the wearer. Besides, it protects the wearers from unprecedented dangers. It can also influence people’s temperament. 

Users can wear the gemstone in the form of rings, pendant necklaces, and bracelets. Emerald also carries various physical benefits; it can prevent infection and works on several infectious diseases too. Fortunetellers say Emerald is a major catalyst to enact clearer vision. Close interaction with the Third Eye Chakra helps in increasing decision-making power.

Emerald Resources

Emerald has its main resources in Columbia. The mines in this country produce the best quality Emeralds. It is also available in Zambia and Brazil. Emeralds available from the mines of these two countries carry equivalent quality to those produced in Columbia. The gemstone is also available in the mines of India, Austria, and the United States.

Emerald Durability

Emeralds are moderately hard minerals. Their hardness is between 7.5 and 8.0 on the Moh Hardness Scale. Due to their moderate hardness, these stones carry comparatively low durability. Fortunetellers and experienced Jewellery Vendors thus recommend wearers to adorn the gemstone in Bracelets or Pendant Necklaces.

Emerald – Meaning and Significance


Emerald gives foresight and fortune to its owners. The word was captured from the Greek Word ‘Smaragdus’, meaning ‘Green.’ Emerald thus symbolizes youth, stamina, energy, and vitality. 


Emerald, the principal of the May Birthstones offers clairvoyance to its wearers. These people can thus predict the future. They can thus set their decisions based on their predictions  and wisdom.

The gemstone had close tie-ups with the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations. Those people thought that the May Birthstone has a closed link with Venus. Venus is the zodiac planet for wealth and prosperity. These people thus believed that the stone can bring success and abundance to the wearers. Apart from these, the gemstone also signifies hope and love for people.

Emerald the May Birthstone Colour

Emerald, the principal of May Birthstones, exhibits shades of green that represent youth and energy. This gemstone is a member of the Beryl Mineral Variety. Stones belonging to this type contain a range of colours. The theory also applies to Emeralds.

These gemstones are available in a consortium of green hues. However, the Teal or Bluish-Green shade gemstones are most popular for their gorgeous presence. Affluent people have the habit of preserving the Emerald  Jewellery pieces for big events. Both the Pendant Necklaces and Bracelets made with Emerald Gemstones demonstrate matchless presence.

Discuss the Benefits that Emerald offers its wearers

The principal of May Birthstones, Emerald is said to guard its owner from severe dangers. It activates the user’s foreseeing ability. The gemstones can reorient terminated relationships. It promotes love between people.

The emulates prepared from this stone are said to restrict the possessive affinity of the evil powers. These gemstones can even calm the sea. Emerald is said to offer various psychological and physical benefits.

The various benefits offered by Emerald, the lead of  May Birthstones can thus be summed up:

Physical Healing

Emerald is said to cure infections in the eyes. The gemstone also works to prevent nervous wrecks and any disorder in the respiratory system. Besides, it cures infection and prevents the generation of infectious diseases.

Emotional Healing

The main of May Birthstones, Emerald promotes the wearer’s wisdom by interacting with the Heart Chakra. This association also helps in the betterment of sensitiveness.

Emerald interacts with the Third Eye Chakra. Therefore, the users can foresee the future. When you know what lies in your destiny, and those in the surroundings, your mind calms down. You will be free from anxiety and stress. It will enable you to look at the occurrences around you in a completely different way.

The gemstone also enables its wearers to reconstruct the various mutual relationships. Some of these relationships may include those between the spouses, and people who are in love. The gemstone can even reinstate the broken terms between family members and friends. 

Emerald Enhances Creativity and Communication

Emerald develops the User’s willpower. Therefore, they can place the things before them much better than others. The elevation of the heart chakra also helps bring passion to the wearers. Their words and speeches thus carry particular weightage. 

Wearing Emeralds has proven beneficial for people engaged in creative activities. Political Leaders, Social Activists. Writers, Voice Specialists, Orators and Artists have been able to boost their performance level by wearing this gemstone.

Motivational Benefit

The gemstone works by stimulating the heart chakra. By influencing this cycle, the gemstone helps to foster the inner intelligence of people. You can sort things out of the alternatives much better. Emerald will inspire you to do the tasks in the order you choose or help bring the best outcome. The ability to access the best output would motivate you to perform in the guided path.

Brings in Financial Growth and Stability in Life

Like most of its contemporaries, Emerald also fetches luck for the wearers. Its connection with the Third Eye chakra nurtures intelligence. Increase in the merit standard helps the wearer remove obstacles more efficiently. 

Astrologers say that the gemstone introduces the users with new and productive resources. It also helps the users with tricks to use those resources more effectively. The wearers thus can witness the growth and bring stability in life.

How should People wear Emerald

The Ancient Vedic Astrology provided a brief guideline about wearing Emerald, the main May Birthstone. It says that Masculine Users can wear the gemstone on the little finger of their working hand. The little finger has the power to form communication with unknown people. Besides, it carries the positive energies emitted by our bodies. Therefore, it can magnify the benefits offered by the gemstone. Using Emerald on the little finger of the working hand helps keep the focus intent. Besides, wearing the gemstone in this way enhances the decision-making ability. Female members can use the gemstone in their left little fingers. 

Fortunetellers in the current days, however, have negated the theory. They have referred to the Green Gemstone as a ‘Fragile’ luck stone. Pendant  Necklaces and Bracelets are thus the best wear.

You can commence its use both in the morning and after dusk as well. The preferred time to wear the gemstone jewellery is between 5 to 9 am and between 5 and 7 pm.

Due to its metal-friendly nature, you can wear it with any metal without affecting your budget. It puts equal effects whether worn in Gold, Silver, and the rings made of Penta or Austa metals

Emerald Pendants

Pendants are forms of Necklaces that are worn around the neck. Scientific research has revealed that the hardness of Emeralds is not sufficient enough to face external roughness. Using the gemstone in necklaces thus helps users to get its service for an extended period. Again, the pendant necklace sticks to the heart; it works closely to the heart chakra. It calms the mind, increases intuition and enhances judgement power. Users thus can achieve additional benefits from using emeralds in Pendant Necklaces. 

Emerald Bracelets

Bracelets are wound around the arm. These are said to distribute the energy that the gemstone emits throughout the body without any obstacles. Users get the maximum amount of benefits by using gemstones in their bracelets.

Emerald Rings

Currently, May Birthstone is not recommended to wear in the form of rings unless particularly specified. However, the ancient Vedic Astrologers have correctly identified its power to cherish and magnify communication skills. Present-day astrologers, however, recommend its use in the Ring or Little Finger of the Working Hand.

The Principle of Wearing

  • Purify the Birthstone Jewellery in the method stated by your advisor or the Fortuneteller.
  • Prepare the room in which you will be wearing the Emerald for the first time. Using incense sticks is recommended. The best practice is to start its use in a place of worship, i.e. Church, Temple, Mosque, or anything related to the user’s religion.
  • Your astrologer should offer you a chant to recite at the final stage. You can start its use after completing the entire formalities.

Uses of Emerald

Besides being used in Jewellery pieces or resolving the spiritual purposes, Emerald has uses in Technology, Medicine, In Art and Decors, and general forms of Industries. Here are the brief explanations:

Emerald in Technology

The optical property of Emerald, the principal of May Birthstones has made it an efficient tool in different technological applications. These include:


Specific Laser Systems have been benefited from intelligent use of the distinct wavelength of Emerald Green Glow. Scientists and Industrial Applicators have used its precise wavelength into their Research and Industrial Cutting.


Emerald has refractive indices. Astronomical scientists have used this property in their explorations and research. Its use in lenses and prisms has enhanced the performances of microscopes and telescopes.

Acute high-end instruments

The use of Emerald in advanced scientific equipment has proved worthy. Their medium hardness has worked in the durability and preciseness of these machines. Emerald’s innate resistive ability to wear has made it an essential component in aerospaces and delicate defense artillery. Reliability is of paramount importance in these pieces of equipment.

Emerald’s uses in Medicine

People from many ancient civilizations believed in the healing properties of Emerald, the May Birthstone. Besides, the gemstone has relevance in several current-day medicinal purposes:

Emerald as Traditional Medicine

Emerald’s healing power has enjoyed the trust of people across centuries and through civilizations. People in the ancient Roman and Egyptian civilizations used this gemstone as a regular medicine. However, such beliefs have no circumstantial proof. Therefore, the current-day medicinal science does not put its trust upon the hypothetical theory.

Emerald in Modern-day Diagnostic System

The optical characteristics of Emerald has made it an essential tool in Modern-day Diagnostic Tests. Its use is proven effective in areas where precise light filtering is needed. The gemstone also helps in increasing the effectiveness of high-resolution imaging systems.

Using Emerald in Art and Decor

Gemstones like Emerald possess important positions in both ancient and contemporary art and forms of decoration. Let us see how:

Historical Artifacts

Many of the crowns and historical ceremony objects have cited emerald as an important evidence for wealth and power. It proves the relevance of emeralds in ancient artistry.


Its vibrant green colour and the resultant aesthetics has made Emerald an important inclusion in the modern artificial sculptures and mosaics. Its inherent glow helps multiply the value of an art item by several times and its price is also increased.

Modern Decoration

The use of Emerald in home decor helps add elegance to them. It also reflects artistic choices and wealthy luxuries. Such applications have become a trend in the current days.

The use of Emerald in Industries

Gemstones find several industrial applications these days. Emerald is no exception. The following lines would offer a brief illustration:

Use of Emerald in High-tech Industries

i) In the Electronics and Aerospace Industries, Emerald’s glory and efficiency have captivated the areas of innovations. Its use has thus found high relevance in these industries.

ii) Emeralds reflect high-precision properties. It helps in various Scientific Research and Application requiring this property. Its optical and physical properties help enhance the performance of research instruments.

Emerald in Manufacturing Industries

The moderate hardness of Emeralds is proven effective for cutting tools and abrasives. It provides precision and brings resistivity to wear in the industrial equipment, thus enhancing their durability.

The Complete Buying Guide of Emerald

Emeralds available from different sources have one thing in common: their hue. Your ability to choose the right type of hue would make you the owner of a prized piece. People target the best pieces available in their budgets. To get your gifted piece, learn to check its clarity and cut design.

Choose the perfect shade of Green

Emerald, the lead of May Birthstones, reflects different shades of green. Choosing the appropriate colour also entails proper consideration of its tone, hue and saturation


Hue, as we know, represents the total colour of things including the gemstones. Considering this fact, we can refer to the green colour as the emerald hue. While choosing an emerald, you must choose an Emerald exhibiting perfect green shades. If it contains an overtone, the choice of blue seems perfect. Shades like Yellow point to inferior-quality gemstones.

The zonal effect of hues affects its quality too. Emeralds with more zoning make the colour presence more scattered, not constrained. It affects both the gemstone’s colour and price.


Like music, the Tone of a colour refers to its gravity or depth. Based on the Tones, Emeralds can be light, moderate, and dark green. Of these, the moderately dark green Emeralds are valued highest for their unmatched quality. 


Colour Saturation refers to its purity. Saturation of colour takes into account both tone and hue while determining the emerald’s purity. Pure emeralds should reflect a vivid green colour and will be without overtone. These gemstones offer optimum brilliance and scatter light all around.

Emeralds with poor colour saturation look pale in the showcases. 

Find out the gemstones with minimum inclusions

Inclusions take the form of cracks in gemstones. Besides, you can get inclusions in the form of liquid particles, or there could be the presence of other substances.

The presence of inclusions in Emeralds affects their clarity. Emeralds without inclusion are almost extinct too. Therefore, the wise policy should be to pick up those gemstones that have the minimum number of cracks or other impurities.

The presence of inclusions like cracks makes Emeralds brittle. Its extent of fragility increases with their number and it also affects the overall beauty of the gemstone.

Consider the appropriate cut

Cut and design play the most vital role in determining the quality and price of an emerald. Mineral gemstones are hexagonal. An experienced cutter watches the mine-fresh pieces from different angles before cutting. It is his purpose to take note of the cracks, particles, and other inclusions. After making a proper observation, he cuts the gemstone to  show-off their beauties in the best way.

Emerald Cut is the highest-valued cut for emeralds. These rectangular pieces have steps and inner facets along each side. Their cropped corners held them the sturdiest.

Emeralds are also available in the Cushion Cut, the Princess Cut, the Round, and the Pear-Shaped cut.

What are the alternatives to May Birthstones? Discuss their benefits

The Principal of the May Birthstones Emerald has three alternatives – Agate, Sapphire, and the Moonstone. The following lines reflect details about each of these gemstones:

Agate – For Birthdays from May 1 – May 30

Agate is the automatic choice for the score of alternatives to May Birthstones. The gemstone covers both Taurus and Gemini, the zodiac signs for May. You will find the gemstone in a wide variety. People often show reluctance to wear these gemstones for their non-bright appearance. However, the Fire Agate is the best display of the gemstone in the showcases. Agate is a translucent mineral. It is available in various shades that appear as a band of colours.


The principal resources of Agate are in Brazil and Uruguay. The minerals grown in these regions are of best quality. Agate is also sourced from different terrains of Mexico and India. 

Agate’s Symbolism (meaning)

Agate’s symbolism reflects its vastness and versatility. Wearing the gemstone gives the wearers a sense of balance, healing, and protection. The harmonious mixture of colours invites a sense of grounding, strength, and emotional stability. The sense of feeling grounded helps improve knowledge. It also reminds them of their innate courage and resilience. Guided willpower helps in doing majestic things. 

Agate – The May Birthstone Colour

Each of the colours that appeared in the Agate carries its natural significance. For instance, the orange in the Fire Agate symbolizes passionate feelings. The Deep Red varieties speak out Intensity, and the Blues symbolize Tranquility. White, the symbol of peace, brings out the grounding energies.

Benefits of Wearing Agate

Agate, the leading alternative to May Birthstones, provides several benefits to the wearers. These benefits include both Emotional healing and Physical cure. 

Emotional Healing
  • The first benefit that Agate offers its users is the feeling of staying grounded. The gemstone relieves the users from the innate stresses. By relieving tensions, it can mitigate frustration and ignite flames of new hope.
  • The Alternative May Birthstone fosters a sense of security. It offers protection to the wearers. The wearers thus get a peace of mind.
  • By strengthening mental balance, Agate inspires a sense of creativity in people. Interacting with the Third Eye Chakra, the gemstone helps generate new and innovative ideas in people. The birthstone thus benefits people in Politics, various Artistic fields, or working in the field of creative writing.
  • The gemstone is also said to nurture Goodwill.
Physical Cure

Astrologers speak highly of Agate regarding the Physical Cure properties it has. Let us examine:

  • Astrologers say that the gemstone promotes blood circulation.
  • It works in healing ear pains.
  • Agate also controls the pancreas functionalities.

Thus, we can finally say that the gemstone elevates the Astrological, Emotional, and Physical parts of humanities.

Best Jewellery Style to Consider for Agate

You can wear Agate in styles including the Earrings, Pendant Necklace, and the Bracelets. Choose the one that best fits your choice and temperament.

Pendant Necklace

Necklaces stick to the heart. With its closeness to the heart, users can improve their sensibility and grow wisdom. Using the birthstone in necklaces also motivates the wearers’ inner spirit to create new things. It clears speaking obstacles and improves speaking ability. 


Bracelets offer benefits to the entire body. Ornaments like this improve the entire capacity of people working in the productive genre. 

Statement Earrings

Statement rings or earrings have bespoke abilities to formulate people’s power. With the earrings and matching outfits, the user can inspire and motivate people around themselves. The gemstone works to provide guidelines for your actions.

Agate Uses

Agate finds uses in both Manufacturing Industries and Home decors. Some of its uses are:

  • In the making of paperweights, bookends, sculptures, coasters, candle holders, lamps, and various wall arts.
  • The gemstone is used in countertops, backsplashes, water features, and fireplace surrounds.
  • Other uses include making mortars, designing and manufacturing point-edge pendulum bearings and laboratory weighing machines.

Discuss the buying policy of Agate

Agate is priced at a much lower range in comparison to its peers. Most of its varieties lie within the price range of $1 and $20. Some of those, however, carry high-price logs. Yet, none of these crosses the Thousand-mark. The influencing Agate purchase factors are below:

  • Agates are available in colours like Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow. The different shades have a variety of impacts on people’s minds. Stones with natural shades are more popular than artificially dyed pieces. For colours, Blue and Green agates are valued at a much higher range than the Red and Yellow-coloured ones.
  • Buy those gemstones that have minimal or no inclusions. Clarity in these translucent to opaque stones can be hard to identify.
  • You can choose the gemstone in your most befitting size. These minerals are available in almost all carat weights.
  • Agate Cabochons or Slices enhance the showcases. Experienced cutters can enhance the illusions to build positive statement pieces.

Again, creative methodical applications are needed in designing the carved and sculpted pieces. These activities, however, add value to agate’s cost.  

Sapphire – for people with birthdays between May 1 and 21

Astrologers consider Sapphire as the alternative May Birthstone for people with the Taurus zodiac sign. The birthdays of these people must lie between the 1st and 21st of May. The star variety of sapphire works as an alternative to May Birthstones. The implied star within the stone helps in increasing the brightness to the eyes of the users. 

Sapphire – The May Birthstone Colour

Sapphire is popularly known as the Blue Gemstone. Colour distribution plays the most vital role in determining the value and price of Sapphires. Blue Sapphires enjoy the best value. However, these gemstones come in a variety of colours and qualities.

Blue Sapphires are the most preferred variety of these gemstones. However, its value and price depend on their saturation and tone. The preferred colour range lies between the Velvety and Violetish Blue ranges. Their best tonal quality is between the medium and medium-dark range.

Benefits of Sapphire

Like its contemporaries, Sapphires also bring in a bundle of benefits for the wearers. These gemstones help in spiritual development. Apart from this, these are supposed to bring luck to the wearers.

Physical Benefits

Sapphire provides a host of physical benefits. These include:

  • Assisting in the increase of immunity power
  • Works in relieving stress and reducing tension.
  • Improving mental clarity thus helping in alleviating decision-making power.
  • Removes throat challenges and improves speaking ability.
  • Works on respiratory issues.
  • Prevents Insomnia and improves sleeping status.
Emotional Benefits
  • The gemstone works with the heart chakra and helps in the improvement of communicating ability.
  • Enhances Focus by bringing in mental clarity.
  • Clarity of mind also influences self-confidence.
  • The gemstone contributes to restructuring relationships.
Spiritual Benefits
  • By interacting with the Third Eye Chakra, Sapphire helps develop intuitive power. This capacity helps in predicting incidences and helps the user take proactive preventive measures.
  • The gemstone helps in the meditative process.
  • Provides both spiritual protection and cure.
  • Brings out emotional serenity by fostering an inner calmness.
Financial Benefits

Like many other Birthstone and Luck Stone, Sapphire also is known to bring financial benefits to the users. Besides bringing financial development and prosperity, it also motivates people to make beneficial investments. The gemstones also assure financial stability of the wearers.

Sapphire Uses

In Home

Welcoming sapphire the alternative of May Birthstones at home means bringing the strength of truth and power of prosperity in home. Introducing the gemstone can do wonders for your personal ambiance. It has the protective capacity; thus, the gemstone will help keep the negative vibes away. Sapphire has the power to calm the mind. You will get a feeling of stillness among the energies of prayer, flow, and purpose. It shuts every possible entrance for the evil powers.

In Workplaces

Keeping a piece of Sapphire in the working place also creates gigantic effects. It is recommended that you keep the gemstone on your working desk. The gemstone would radiate its positive vibes across the desk and its surroundings. Your focus would enhance and decision-making ability also magnifies. 

Sapphire Buying Guide

The 4Cs, i.e. Colour, Cut, Clarity, and Carat Weight play dominant roles in evaluating sapphire value. These factors also influence its buying principle. Gemstone pieces coming in Velvety to Violetish Blue and carry medium to medium dark tones carry optimum values. Buyers should consider those pieces that have strong saturation of colour. Again, colour darkness should not be more than the desired level so that the brightness is not compromised.

  • The Colour range of sapphire should lie between Velvety to Violetish Blue.
  • Desired colour saturation of sapphire is strong. Yet, the darkness should be controlled to ensure that the brightness is kept at the desired range.
  • Mineral sapphires in absolute clarity are almost extinct, and thus are valued highly. However, buyers should consider those pieces that have medium to nil inclusions. Excess cracks increase fragility and decrease the value of the gemstones.
  • Comercial-cut sapphires are available in less than 5.00 carat weights. Pick your piece as guided by your astrologer if you are buying to resolve spiritual purposes.

Moonstone – For people whose birthdays fall between May 21 and 31

Moonstone is the last option among the alternative May Birthstones. These gemstones emit a brilliant light from within. The light covers the entire space and illuminates the area. People with the Gemini zodiac sign and born between the 21st and the 31st of May can consider Moonstone as their birthstone. These stones are available in different ranges, but varieties like Translucent and White are chosen over others as birth gemstones.

Like other May Birthstones, Moonstone also promotes intuition that enhances wiseness in people. The stone also brings about mental balance and influences the generation of positive energies. Its feminine nature inspires new beginnings, eludes transformation, and motivates personal growth.

Moonstone Sources

Moonstone has abundant resources in countries like India, Sri Lanka, The United States, and Australia. Of these, the resources lying in the mines of Sri Lanka, and South India belong to the best varieties.

Moonstone Meaning

Moonstone works straightway to the Third Eye Chakra. The gemstone works in boosting the intuitive and imagination power. Wearers can foresee the coming incidents and predict the next occurrences. It frees the mind and excels focus. The decision-making ability of people also enhances under the influence of moonstone. It keeps the users absolutely calm by balancing their emotional strata. Overall, the female gemstone can provide guidelines to traverse through the chaos of life.

Moonstone Benefits

Moonstone emits feminine energies. Thus, it promotes emotional balance and supports hormonal regulation for females. Overall, it fosters new beginnings. Its inherent energies are linked with the moon’s cycles. These can bring in inner peace, encourage creativity, and promote personal growth too.

  • Moonstone symbolizes good luck. It brings good fortune regarding finances. 
  • The gemstone releases stress and brings down tension. With a clearer mind, the wearer feels a touch of happiness in mind.
  • If the wearer likes to travel afar, Moonstone clears the dangers on the way.
  • The stone enhances personality traits by improving the level of confidence.
  • Moonstone nurtures creativity; therefore, this is ideal for people engaged in the fields of creativity. These include oratory, writing, acting, film-making, and politics.

Moonstone Buying Guide

Moonstones cost much less in comparison to its effectiveness. GIA thus bothers less to issue certification about its authenticity. However, if you want, the reputed jewellers in the United States are ready to provide you with one.

While considering a moonstone, consider its transparency, and the shimmering effect. Pieces with the least number of inclusions would serve you the best. Consider moonstone pieces with natural appearance. Finally choose the piece that suits your temperament.

Uses of Moonstone

Moonstone is a feminine gemstone. Its energy thus fits the Feng Shui practices. The stone has an impeccable capacity to find emotional balance and create harmony in relationships. Place the gemstone in the areas of your home where tensions run high. Its cooling ability would help make the temper softer and invite peace to the home.

Keeping one piece of the gemstone on the working table would help generate a creative genre in the place. The innovative capacity of the workers will see a new phase. Placing a moonstone near the bed at night can produce better results for an expecting woman.

The Epilog

Following the article enables you to make acquaintances about the May Birthstones. The month has three alternative birthstones besides the principal one. In this article, we have also included the Buying Guide in case you require it. 

In my opinion, any one born in May can choose from among those mentioned as their birthstones. Yet, they should consult a gemologist or an astrologer. These people can help them with the ideal choice. They make thorough considerations on the exact date of birth and time to identify the actual birthstone for a person. Opting for the right one would procure the best benefits for the wearers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does May have only one birthstone?

No, the month has two birthstones. Emerald is recognized as the main among May Birthstones. May Borns are lucky enough to have Agate as their secondary birthstone.

How much do people pay for one carat of Emerald?

One carat of Emerald costs in the range of $1112 to $8514. The average price of  one carat Emerald lies at $3579.

Why are some of the Emerald varieties so cheap?

This is due to their difference in quality, cut, and colour. Of these, cut and design are the most dominant factors.

Do Emeralds undergo treatment?

Yes, Jewellers treat the gemstone to increase its appearance. You can, however, get Emeralds without Treatment. These can be costlier than the treated ones.

What does overtone mean?

Overtone means the colour we see on the surface of a mineral. The colour under the skin is the skin undertone.

Do the alternative birthstones procure the same benefits as the prime one?

I am skeptical about it. You should consult a gemologist or an efficient astrologer to get a confident reply to it.

About Jaylin Khan

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