As I see, so I wonder. Are not the March-born chaps the pieces of wonder? They get all the precious gemstone pieces to represent their birthstones. If we count, the total number stands at five. You have heard it right! Apart from the leading of the March Birthstones, there are at least three other gemstones that are zodiac references. These have, undoubtedly, birthdate overlaps during the third calendar month.
Aquamarine is the first consideration in this regard, followed by the Bloodstone. Besides these two, the unofficial Birthstones include Jade, Crystal, Jasper, and the Gold Shiva-Linga. This article aspires to bring about a detailed inscription of these Birthstones so that you can stay informed.
What are the Birthstones for the month of March?
March-born people belong to the Aries and Pisces zodiac varieties. Both of these are peace-bearers. Therefore, gemstones that symbolise March Birthstones, will surely carry tranquillity and harmony. Their inner strength has made them an abode of spirituality and positive energy. The main gemstone that these people cherish is Aquamarine. The beautiful crystal is linked with both the zodiac shines that the month represents. Another strong gemstone for March is Bloodstone. This is exclusively linked with the Pisces.
There are several others too. Fortunetellers identify these stones after thorough research on the birth time and other crucial factors. Several other pieces have thus been identified as Birthstones for those born in March. These include Jade, Jasper, Ruby, Emerald, Amazonite, and various others. A brief consideration of everyone is provided. This will help estimate what the birthstone is for a March-born like you.
Trace out the Resources of the March Birthstones
Knowing about the sources of the gemstones I discuss is important. Such information would enrich your knowledge about the minerals. The following lines offer synopses:
Aquamarine (For people with Birthdays from March 1 to 31)
The main source of Aquamarine lies in the mining area of Minas Gerais, a Brazilian State. The area landscape includes Rocky Hills, Dancing River, and Meshy Scrub Bushes. The second important resource of this valuable mineral is the Karakoram Foothills situated in Pakistan. The altitude of this area is more than 3000 meters above the sea. Aquamarine is also found in the mines of Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Zambia, and Mozambique. The most abundant resource of this mineral lies in the African Continent.
The most abundant source of Bloodstone is in India. However, traces of this element are also found in Brazil, Australia, China, and the United States. Bloodstones usually are found in the form of pebbles.
The gemstone offers a shade of Blue-Green accommodation. It is found in different places around the world. Countries like the United States, Australia, Brazil, Peru, and Ethiopia have ample resources for this mineral.
A popular proverb exists regarding the description of colour. It hears like “Emerald Green or Blue.” Witnessing the gem Emerald would let you know its significance. The mining areas of Columbia, Zambia, Madagascar, Canada, and Brazil are shaded mild green courtesy of the presence of the precious gem Emerald there.
Crystals are moulded forms of other gemstones. These are found in the gravel pits, creeks, and along the sides of the roads.
Myanmar and Guatemala are the chief sources of Jadeite. China is also a large producer of this mineral. Other large mines of this gemstone are centred in Canada (the 2nd largest producer), Russia, Australia, and the United States.
Jasper, the valuable gemstone is found in different locations across the continents. Countries that produce significant amounts of mined Jasper include Brazil, Madagascar, Australia, and the United States.
A significant source of the mineral is Indonesia. The Purbalingga District of the small country produces quality Jasper.
Ruby is most abundantly found in Myanmar. The mines there have been explored more than 4500 years ago. Other major sources of this mineral are Thailand, Vietnam, Macedonia (The only European).
Can you explain the Principal March Birthstone Colours?
Aquamarine belongs to the Beryl Family. Its colourful appearances thus vary from Pale Blue to Light Greenish. You can change the colour by heating it; this is done to heighten its physical appearance.
Aquamarine has another sophisticated variety. These stones appear Greenish Blue. By heat treatment, you can remove the Yellowish component. The final colour of the stone will be a finer Bluish Component of the material.
The gemstone has two related forms. One is Heliotrope. This red-spotted variety has more transparency among these two. The other one is plasma. It has negligible or no red spots. Top-quality Bloodstone Gems have a solid green colour with visible veins of red.
Reveal the Astrological, Psychological, and Physical Benefits of the Principal March Birthstones
The Principal March Birthstone, Aquamarine, offers a collection of both physical and emotional benefits to the wearers. Let us enlist some of the privileges that this privileged gemstone offers us:
Physical Benefits of Aquamarine
Aquamarine can offer healing effects on throat ailments. These include allergies and laryngitis. Its deep association with water also support the cleansing of body organs including the Spleen, Liver, and the Kidneys. For this reason, people also take its help to get rid of digestive issues.
The stone offers a cooling effect on the body. Such an effect works in the removal of redness, allergies, swelling, and inflammatory conditions.
Emotional Benefits of Aquamariine
The blue gemstone calms the mind and develops serenity. Bringing peace of mind also helps in reducing stress. Finally, the wearer gains the courage to face uncertainties.
The beautiful stone removes year-old mental barriers thereby inducing a fresh flow in the relationships among friends and lovers. It works as a powerful ally for people struggling to get proper communication channels.
By clearing the throat chakra, Aquamarine helps the wearers to articulate their thoughts. Expressions are communicated with more clarity and confidence.
Physical Benefits of Bloodstone
Bloodstone can eliminate toxins from the wearer’s body. It therefore purifies the blood. Besides, it acts as a cleaning agent for Spleens, Kidneys, and Intestines. It also acts to boost the immune system. The stone stimulates blood-rich organs, streamlines the flow of blood, and aids its circulation.
You can consider this mineral to treat several blood conditions. These include Anemia, over-acidification, Leukemia, tumours, and acute infections. By stimulating nutrient-rich blood and hormonal balance, this gemstone also helps prevent miscarriages.
It eases the birth-giving process. The child can easily pass through the birth canal with increased strength and supportive vibrations.
Emotional hues of Bloodstone
Bloodstone lets the user understand the importance of loneliness. It helps the wearers to regain the power lost during times of adversity. They begin to realise that isolation is a simple illusion. Through reorganizing of strength and courage, the wearers can reestablish their social prestige. Its power helps people understand the morality of life.
What are the best buying policies for Aquamarine and Bloodstone
The detailed information of the March Birthstones cannot be completed without information about their buying principles. The following lines offer a glimpse of the rules you should follow while purchasing Aquamarine and Bloodstone:
Purchasing Aquamarine
The choice of Aquamarine depends on several factors. These include the Colour of the Gem, its Clarity or Transparency, Cut, Carat Weight, and budget. Let us explore each one:
Aquamarine Colour
People wear gemstones like Aquamarine to satisfy one or the other spiritual needs. Therefore, the gemstone’s colour plays a vital role in its selection. Besides, stones with clear blue shades resembling tropical oceans have prized aesthetics. Choose the pieces that possess vibrant and saturated colours.
Clarity or Transparency
Aquamarines are god-gifted pieces of gemstones. Its clarity is its pride. These have minimalinclusions which is the main cause for its increased value. People can choose from varieties without inclusion. Gemstones with inclusions invisible to the naked eye are also worthy selections.
Cutting is an important factor for gemstones irrespective of their types. For Aquamarine, perfectly cut stones evade its brilliance and enhance the colour effect. Such stones reflect light in the desired manner.
Aquamarine is available in a consortium of shapes. These include the Emerald Cut, Cushion Cut, Oval, and Round. The choice of shapes is an exclusive personal choice. However, choosing proper cuts and shapes will help increase your wit for shopping gems.
Carat Value
Carat assessment is vital for gemstones used to resolve a spiritual purpose. However, Aquamarine can be accessed in larger pieces in nature. Getting a stone of 5-6 carat poses no issue. Its availability in large sizes is probably the cause for its comparatively lower price.
Consult with an expert before deciding about the purchase of aquamarine. However, these gemstones are available at optimum rational prices. Still, you must fix an economic consideration for the Aquamarine Stone you have planned to purchase.
Guideline to Purchase Bloodstone
Before purchasing Bloodstone, you must know that the bright colour gems are abundantly available and thus are priced low. Sometimes the sellers try to refer to this gem as Bottlestone or Fancy Jasper. They intend to hike the price of the gemstone.
Stone Colour
Naturally, Bloodstone is available in dark green colour. However, these pieces may have inclusions. The colour of the inclusions can be red or brown. These are available in multiple colours too. These spots are mythologically believed to be the blood spots of the Great Christ. However, research has revealed the presence of Ferrous Oxide in the chemical composition of Bloodstone Rocks.
Identify Shine
Bloodstone is a naturally shining piece of rock. The ingenuous bright shine can be a mark of identification for the gemstone.
Bloodstone is opaque. Therefore, clarity is not given much consideration while purchasing the gemstone.
The abundant gemstones are available in different favoured shapes in the market. Bloodstone is available in round, oval, octagon, emerald, cushion, and cabochon shapes. Of these, the cabochon is an excellent choice for ornaments. You can use Bloodstone with 18K Gold or Silver in different forms of jewellery.
Its versatility in shape, polished and shiny looks, and comparative price have made Bloodstone a preferred choice for pendants and rings. Females also like the brooches made using this sterling gemstone.
Buy Authentic variety only
Ensure the authenticity of the Bloodstone gem you have purchased. Claim the certificate of authenticity from the seller once the purchase is made.
How people should wear the March Birthstones
The gemstone has close links with the Zodiac Signs Aries and Pisces. The Blue and Greenish hues resonate perfectly with water. People born with these signs are optimally emotional, rational, liberal, and creative. Using this stone in pendants or rings brings a huge benefit for people under these two zodiac signs, particularly Pisces. The latter bears the sign of fish that inhabit aqua regions.
Aquamarine Pendants
The pieces of Aquamarine Jewellery have extraordinary powers. Wearing the gemstone in a Pendant Necklace will bestow the user with the benefits that it offers. Besides, a necklace keeps a close attachment to the heart chakra. Therefore, pendants relieve the users from all sorts of unnecessary worries and relieve strains too.
Bracelets made with Aquamarine
Bracelets are worn on the wearer’s working arm. The energy emitted by the gemstone is transferred to the entire body from this zone.
Aquamarine Rings
Ask the adviser how to use Aquamarine if you use it in a ring. Usually, rings are worn on the middle or ring finger of the working hand. It emits energy provided by the gemstone to enhance his creativity and upgrade his internal energy level.
You can use Bloodstone Gems in the way you think best. However, researchers have revealed that wearing Bloodstone in the form of a necklace causes a closer association with the Heart Chakra. The process can thus maximize the healing properties in line with fixing emotional balance and protection. The astrologer can also prescribe wearing the gemstone in rings depending on the user’s convenience. Using the gemstone in a ring is beneficial when the purpose is to effect grounding or bring courage.
Bloodstone Rings
Rings made of Bloodstone Gems are much sought after for their capacity to bring grounding effect. The Gemstone Rings are popular choices to bring about courage too. Using the ring in the Ring Finger maximizes the grounding effect. Put the ring in your forefinger to draw the most courage out of you.
Pendant Necklaces
Place the gemstone in a pendant necklace and keep it near your heart. The gemstone affects the heart to make the most rational solutions for emotional disarrays and balance those to help protect the heart.
Bloodstone Jewelry Bracelets
Using the Bloodstone Gems in Bracelets means entering the vibrant spirit of it into the body. It eludes your vitality and enhances your health situation.
What is the logic behind the existence of more than two Birthstones for March?
Gemstones other than Aquamarine and Bloodstone are also sometimes recommended as March Birthstones by Fortunetellers. Such determinations can be based on several factors. The following lines have attempted explanations for such existences:
If we take the example of Ruby, for instance, people believe that as a Birthstone, the material can reconcile disagreements. It can thus bring harmony in relationships between separated friends or lovers. Besides forming a reunion, the gemstone helps in making the tie even stronger.
The gemstone also helps bring health to the wearer and causes improvement in their mental state as well. People also feel safeguarded after they have decided to wear this. Some fortunetellers consider Ruby as the feminine Birthstone as it offers more virtue when worn on the left side of the body. The gemstone believes in constancy.
(The apostle Birthstones for people born between 1st and 31st March)
Emerald, or the green material, is one of the leading choices for March Birthstones. This is the apostle birth gem for those who took birth in this month. The gemstone promotes fidelity, loyalty, and expounds the feelings of love and happiness.
(For people whose birthdays fall on the first saga of March)
The gemstone has been included in the list of March Birthstones very recently. However, it had a link with the Aries since earlier times. Again, persons born in the first phase of March carry this zodiac sign. Jasper thus becomes a birthstone for those born in March.
The Gold Siva-Linga
This Gold Siva-Linga birthstone has a close inflict on the Hindu Religious affinity practised in India. According to the Hindu Shastra, this March Birthstone comprises a shield of Jaspers in flesh colour. These have brown streaks on the border lines. Hindus adore this symbol with high sanctity. The gemstone has remained intact for centuries thus showing the gravity of the reverence. This instance shows how self-restraint Indians could be.
Discuss the buying policies of the alternative March Birthstones
In the following lines, I have delved into the various factors that help in the purchase of alternative March Birthstones. Each of those gemstones also has several factors to consider:
Ruby is among the most popular gemstones in the world. Its aesthetics have made it a suitable choice for jewellery; however, it has spiritual benefits too. The factors you should consider while purchasing this gemstone include:
Verify the sources of the Pieces of Ruby Gemstone displayed for sale on the counter. Experts recommend Pigeon Blood-Red Burmese Rubies as the best in the lot. These varieties of gemstones have been mined for thousands of years in those remote areas. It is one of the scarce elements now and thus is very highly priced. If you are considering buying ruby for investments, investing in Burmese Rubies will produce a guaranteed yield.
Top-quality rubies also come from mines in Thailand, Kenya, and Mozambique.
The colour of Ruby Gemstones is one of its determining features. It is naturally red but with varieties. The secondary colours for Ruby comprise shades of purple, pink, and Yellow. Pigeon Blood Red, however, is the preferred colour composition for the gemstone.
Clarity is an important factor in choosing a gemstone. Transparent rubies are scarce in the market. Online buyers cannot expect to have these pieces through website collections. The best policy thus is to choose the gemstones whose inclusions are not immediately visible.
Carat Value
Rubies are available in small pieces, mainly in one or two-carat values. Rubies larger than three carats are extremely rare and thus are superiorly priced. Two one-carat rubies cost significantly less than one larger ruby. Therefore, the best policy to purchase is to combine several smaller pieces rather than gathering a single larger piece.
Commercial pieces of Ruby are available in several cuts. Besides the round, oval, or square shapes, there are many unconventional cuts too. These include Marquise, Trillion, Princess, and Heart. The latter four are exclusive choices for Rubies used for Jewellery sake.
Colour, Cut, Clarity and Carat Value are the four Cs that determine the price of Rubies. These small gemstones are priced comparatively higher. Therefore, it is essential to fix a budget based on the price reviews before making to purchase.
Gemstones are put to chemical treatments to help enhance their colour and clarity. It also helps in preserving their natural integrity. More than 90 per cent of natural rubies are subjected to heat treatments. It helps excel in its intrinsic value.
Authenticity Certification
You must gather the Authenticity Certification for Gemstones like Ruby. This is particularly applicable when you are buying online. The authorities in this regard are GIA, GCAL, IGL, etc. Check whether the seller has a distinct return policy. You can verify the gemstone finally with a colour gemstone specialist if feel it is needed.
The assessment of Emerald, the alternative March Birthstone, is also based on factors like its origin while the 4Cs also have their due weight. Let us configure the factors that influence its purchase decision:
Country of Origin
Despite its availability in different states, the Columbian Emeralds are the most expensive variety. Searches have explored the existence of the gemstone in various other countries. Of these, the Zambia, Afghanistan, and Ethiopia emeralds are seen to carry the same worth as their Columbian counterpart. Gemstones from all these sources demonstrate astounding visual interceptions.
Emeralds are identified by their shimmering green shade. The grass-green inscape has a faint outline of blue tint. It gives rise to an inventory range called the Muzo Green.
Several varieties carry a colour called the Vivid Green. This colour seconds the Muzo Green and attracts significant value. Vivid Green varieties dominate the Emerald Market as the Muzo Greens are preserved for people who can afford higher prices. The slightest variation in the green can severely impact emerald value.
Emeralds usually have inclusions and the fact is so spread that people consider emeralds without inflict as synthetic and fake. Reputed Jewellers, however, try to gather the best ones in their collection. It is thus wise to trust the seller’s reputation while purchasing Emerald.
The Emerald Cut and the Accher Cut are the two most-adored varieties of the gemstone Emerald. Both the rectangular and square cuts are highly valued.
Carat Value
Natural Emeralds come in a variety of sizes. Museums in different countries exhibit gigantic forms of the gemstone. Its value increases with the hike in size.
Size Availability
Emeralds with small carat values are exceptionally available and these attract special value. Similarly, the availability of finer gemstones is also much less. Therefore, a finer variety of Emerald exceeding 5 carats can range between $90000 – $150000.
Like various other gemstones, the choice of Jasper depends on its source, availability, and the consideration of the 4Cs. The following lines offer the synopses:
The gemstone is among the topmost available minerals in the world. Its resources are available in all major countries like the USA, Russia, and India. Other major quality producers include Madagascar, Venezuela, Indonesia, Australia, and Brazil. Both the USA and Russia are known to produce quality Jasper.
The popular cuts of the gemstone include beads or cabochons. Therefore, it can be best used in the form of standard pieces of jewellery, i.e.., Pendant Necklace, Ring, Bracelets, and Earrings.
Jasper Gemstones are available in almost all known and popular colours including Red, Green, Yellow, Brown and Blue. Blue consortiums are, however, are bit rarer and thus priced high. People with favoured choices go after this shade. The natural mix of Oxides, Dioxide, metals, and organic materials helps these build up in variant shapes and shades. You can choose the best depending on your choice or requirements.
Many forms of Jasper contain cuts, streaks, and other inclusions. These, however, have helped in enhancing its appearance. There is an almost clear variety of Jasper. People can choose the item if it suits their needs. However, it is scarce and available in reputed Jewellery Stores only.
Carat Value
Jasper is available in all carat sizes as it is abundantly available. However, the size-to-weight ratio of this material may seem deceptive. Small-sized elements might be heavier in weight. Conversely, the bigger-shaped Jaspers can be light-weight. Thus, it seems wise to focus on its dimensional size instead of relying on carat value.
Jade gemstone has two varieties – the Jadeite and the Nephrite. Both of the varieties have their special features. Considering similar factors for both of these will help understand the factors influencing the Buyer’s Policy.
Natural Sources
The Nephrite variety is more abundantly available in the world. Its relative scarcity has made the Jadeite variety more precious. The resources of Jadeite are centred in and around Myanmar and Guatemala; several other countries also own a sparse of the element.
Nephrite is available in parts of Central Asia, China, Russia, Canada, and New Zealand. Small amounts are also available in several other countries.
The colour of the Jade varieties depends largely on their occurrences, their type, and inclusions. For instance, Nephrite is available in all sorts of green shades, starting from lighter ones to deep ones. The variation in the colour intensity adds to their values.
The value of Jade Gemstones depends on the extent of availability, the colour appearance, and the craftsmanship in their making.
Jadeite variety, for instance, attracts higher values owing to its rare existence. The colour presentation, the vibrant green or rich lavender, also attracts the eyes of the visitors.
Nephrite, on the other hand, is valued on the boldness of the green shades it presents. The design elements and other craftsmanship elements also influence its price.
Choose a reputed Jewellery Store to purchase your valuable gemstone like Jade. They can produce authentication certificates on demand. However, you can do the following tests at home to rest assured of the gemstone’s authenticity.
Sound Test
Genuine Jade Gemstones produce a clear, bell-like sound on touch. The synthetic and fake varieties will produce dull or glass-like sounds.
Vision Test
Perfect Jade Gemstones produce a distinct, natural appearance along with varieties of colours and textures. Imitations, on the other hand, will reflect undesired perfection.
Like other gemstones, Colour, Clarity, Cut, and Carat Value dominate the preference for buying Amazonite the alternative March Birthstone.
Choose from among those gemstones presenting saturated colours and the colour is evenly distributed. The natural colour of Amazonite is Textile White. However, the presence of iron impurities converts its colour into bluish-green.
Amazonite is available in either opaque or translucent form in the market. The transparent form of the gemstone is very rare and is exceptionally priced. Owing to vitreous lustre, the gemstone appears to be waxy shiny even after polishing. Despite its rare existence, the gemstone is available at affordable prices.
Cut & Shape
Marketers sell the gemstones in different cuts and shapes. However, the cabochon cuts enjoy the best popularity. Round and Oval-shaped Amazonites are best sellers. The varieties include Cameo. Animal, and historical facts back in the days of the Earlier Egyptian Culture.
Amazonite does not require any treatment to enhance its appearance
Crystal is probably the most beneficial among the favoured March Birthstones. You may choose the gemstone to introduce a statement in your home decor. But, the stone piece will start to enhance your home and life all naturally. Thus, there is no fixed rule about Shapes, or 4Cs, for the gemstone. Yet, you must have to be alert about its genuineness. Use the following guidelines to behold the perfect crystal and reap its benefits:
Learn from Sources
Educating yourself is th first need before you decide to purchase a crystal. Do Google, consult various books written about this valuable material, and finally ask the experts. From these sources, you will learn about the types of crystals and their congenital properties. Therefore, no one can rip you off with Fake Gems and deprive you.
Buy from Reputed Stores Only
Reputed stores keep their values for authenticity. Addresses of top metaphysical stores or jewellery shops selling crystal are available on the internet. Gather those addresses and contact them to collect your piece. These stores provide the certificate of authentication with the gemstone on demand.
Things to consider to avert Frustration from Purchase
Apart from those mentioned above, considering the below-mentioned precautions can help you stay protected while purchasing Crystal. Stay away from:
- Advertisements that claim ‘New Findings’ or ‘Rare Gemstone.’
- Crystals showing new colourways. Usually, these are dyed.
- Do not trust statements that appear too good to be true.
- Strange combinations of minerals and crystals as depicted in the photos.
- Weak or smug photos are not considerable.
- Consider those photos only where the crystal can be viewed from every angle.
- Check the seller’s return policy.
- He must have vivid knowledge about the products to be sold.
- The shop must have a refund policy
- Avoid street shops also.
In what pieces of Jewellery are the various alternatives of March Birthstones available?
The alternative March Birthstones can be worn in every form of conventional jewellery pieces. These include Rings, Bracelets, and Pendant Necklaces. Ask your jeweller to know what type of Jewellery piece will fit you the best.
Some of the other types may be required to offer the best spiritual benefits.
Benefits that the Alternative Birthstones for March offer
- Ruby strengthens the heart; it activates muscles and ventricles.
- The gemstone can influence issues with sexuality, birth-giving, and reproduction.
- Helping with the body detox is another significant contribution of Ruby. It can effectively work in the treatment of the Kidneys, Lymph, and Adrenal Glands.
- Ruby is for those who prefer being in love. It deters the adverse effect of over-sensitivities by protecting from the dubious hands of opportunistic people. Ruby wants you to fall in love. So, it helps sustain your emotional feelings.
- Ruby can break the paradox that you get from some self-developed distorted thoughts. It eliminates your destructive thinking and helps you convert those into positive segments.
- The gemstone helps rebuild trust. Mending of broken relationships between those in love or are friends is also thus possible.
- Ruby means a touch of luck. The gemstone is thus so closely associated with wealth and status.
- Emerald inspires creativity. People holding this gem can explore new horizons and generate new and innovative ideas in the field they work in
- Astrologers often call emerald ‘The stone of Prosperity.’ It is deeply linked with vitality and growth. The gemstone inspires income opportunity and fosters growth potential in finance. People working in Banks, Insurance Companies, and broking Farms enjoy the highest level of prosperity with Emerald.
- Emerald also proves worthy for people with oratory skills. It is said that the healing energies underlying the gemstone help regain confidence and better expression skills.
- It improves relationships between husbands and wives. A broken relationship can also assume a new shape under the influence of Emerald.
- Emerald works in combating eye, ear, and skin-related issues. The gemstone can effectively treat nervous system ailments and certain types of allergies in the respiratory tract.
- Jasper brings the users with a feeling of groundedness; feeling at the base helps in stabilising their energies. They will thus feel a balanced and peaceful undertone that eradicates their overwhelmed feelings. It is an act of the Root Chakra.
- It promotes emotional strength and courage, thus bringing clarity. Such growth is associated with the Heart Chakra.
- The gemstone nurtures comfort and reassurance. People wearing the gemstone thus get an inner feeling of security and peace.
The benefits offered by Jade can be distributed over narratives. For instance,
- It promotes emotional stability and balances it. The ability to generate love for self and compassion has made it a superior Astrological Gems. It fosters sentimental healing by reducing anxiety and stress.
- Jade reduces toxification thus supporting the Kidneys and Urinary systems. It also calms the nervous system.
- The gemstone works on the skin too. By soothing and calming the skin, it promotes blood circulation. It also skin elasticity and tone.
- The gemstone works to relieve stress and promote relaxation.
- It helps release negative emotions and create mental balance.
- By helping in focusing, it induces creativity in the users.
- The gem inspires foreseeing by insinuating spiritual awareness.
- It inaugurs meditation and improves personal reflection.
The Gemstone
- Balances Thyroid Issues
- Helps in the regeneration of cells
- Clams down the mind by reducing anxieties
- Balances past trauma by either rejuvenating or educating the sufferers to leave the wounds patched up. It helps things become more manageable as gigantic things are converted into minuscule aspects.
In the above lines, we have seen a brief narration about different March Birthstones. Besides the two principal ones, viz., Aquamarine and Bloodstone, several alternative birthstones are also considered. Besides discussing their types, the article also speaks about the benefits these offer. We hope that this write-up will help find the right birthstone for people born in March.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1.Which March Birthstones cost high?
Ans: Ruby and Emerald.
Q2. Which birthstones are not recommended to wear?
Ans: Pearl for June and Opal for October. Astrologers never refer to these elements as they are believed to bring misfortune to the user.
Q3. What is the myth behind Aquamarine?
Ans: People in the Middle Ages believed that wearing Aquamarine would shield them from being poisoned.
Q4. How many birthstones can a month have?
Ans: From one to several, including the alternative birthstones. The concept of alternative birthstones applies to certain people born in a calendar month.
Q5. How did Bloodstone become synonymous with vitality?
Ans: Ancient Roman Soldiers believed that wearing Bloodstone would bring Mars, the god of war, to them. They would become victorious in the next battle. This way the gemstone became synonymous with courage and vitality.