February Birthstones: Amethyst, Jasper, Red Garnet, Jade, Serpentine

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By Jaylin Khan

February Birthstones: Amethyst, Jasper, Red Garnet, Jade, Serpentine

February is known as the lover’s month. The day of Valentine’s falls on the 14th of this month. Fortunetellers identify February as the conjugation of two loving spirits: Aquarius and Pieces. Their respective stones, viz., Amethyst and Jasper are thus considered the principal  February Birthstones. Among these two, the fortunetellers have again settled on Amethyst as the main stone for February. It may be because more people feel more connected to the spirit that this stone offers. Physical suitability can also be a factor behind such a choice. The article delves into the birthstones for February – but the focus will be on Amethyst.

What is the principal Birthstone for February?

February, the shortest month of the year, is also a month of emotional happiness as it includes Valentine’s Day. Besides, this month celebrates several other occasions too. These include Grandhug Day and the Inventors’ Day. Super Bowl Sunday also comes in one of the weekly holidays in February. Several eminent people were born in February. Charles Darwin, George Washington, Charles Lindbergh, Elizabeth Taylor, and Abraham Lincoln are some of those that deserve mention.

The main Birthstone for February is Amethyst. Aquarius, the innovative and loving spirit dominates the smallest period in the calendar. Jaspar, the gemstone of the passionate spirit Pisces, also rules the month unequivocally. However, Amethyst wins the poll as most fortunetellers accept this as the Birthstone for February.

The Main February Birthstone Colour, i.e. the colour of Amethyst

The principal among the February Birthstones, Amethyst, is available in a host of colours. These shades range from pale lilac to deep purple-red. The matter in this gem is comparatively harder; the comparative hardness of Amethyst is 7. Thus, we can say that the gem is high-level scratch-resistant. This property has made it an ideal gem for any kind of Jewelry.

Among those colours available in different varieties of Amethyst, Purple Red is the top among considerations. Ornaments ornate with deep red-purple Amethyst demonstrate a royal presence. People belonging to the Elite Class in society love to adorn themselves with Amethyst Jewelry. 

How can you buy Amethyst?

Beautiful gems are usually scarce; Amethyst differs. These kinds of gemstones are available in plenty across mines in India, the United States, Bolivia, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, Zambia, and Brazil.

One distinguished point about Amethyst is its price. Beautiful gems are usually cut into smaller pieces to extract maximum value from them. The price of Amethyst increases gradually with its size. Their availability in diversified shapes ensures the fact that you will get the piece you want without much effort and also within the budget.

Rule 1 for Purchasing Amethyst – Clarity

Clarity and Transparency should be on top of your mind when you decide on purchasing Amethyst. Avoid inclusions; it means materials and cavities that the naked eye can trap easily. People with good sight thus find no problem in tracing transparent Amethysts.

Rule 2 for Purchasing Amethyst – well-cut

These gems must be perfectly cut; poorly cut gem pieces are inferior in terms of both beauty and value. Inquire about the cutters in a gem store before deciding to purchase Amethyst from there. Expert cutters emphasize faceting designs that heighten the worth of the showcase too.

How people should wear Amethyst?

Use the material in Earrings to help open long vision

Amethyst works with people’s crown chakras and foster the power to foresee things. By placing the gem in your ring finger, you bring it within the aura of these chakras. The crystal safeguards your long vision by opening it.

Place Amthyst close to your heart – use it in Pendant Necklace

Wearing the gemstone in apendant necklace mens inviting healing waves to come and surrond the heart.

Using Amethyst in Bracelet helps balance Spirituality and Groundedness

Amethyst makes the spiritual feeligs stronger. It opens the process by protecting our base and make it based on a sound footings. Both spiritual and physical approaches can thus be evenly balanced.

Amethyst Rings improves healing Quotient

Amethyst helps to transform our creativities into healing ventors. By moving hands to different points and nodes in our bodies, we can trace the areas where these touches produce best results.

Custom Jewellery helps in meditating and journaling

The Journaling techniques involving spirituality can be improved with meditation or using gemstones like Amethyst. They include Gratitude, Setting of Goals, and Lunar Cycle. Using Amethyst Crystals at the time of writing helps the wearer concentrate fully on their tasks ahead. It opens up thoughts and heart; it also enables the generation of a true-spirited expression. 

Using several pieces of Amethysts is desirable in times of Meditation. The crystal grid it thus prepares can help synthesis realms of energies.

How to preserve the Radiance of Amethyst?

Amethyst, the lead of February Birthstones, requires regular nurture to keep its radiance glowing. Here are how to take care of the precious gem:

i) Use a soft soap and lukewarm water in the cleansing process

ii) Use a soft brush or cotton to wipe off the additional dirt from the edge of the gem piece to recover its original glee.

iii) Use clean water to give the final touch.

iv) Do not use abrasive chemicals, cleaners, or sanitiser throughout the whole process.

Discuss why February has multiple birthstones

February has one universally accepted birthstone – Amethyst though someone prefers the Gaurdian Angel Birth Rockstone Jasper over it. 

Critical February Birthstones.

Fortunetellers have identified Amethyst as the birthstone for people who are born in the first saga of the month, i.e. between the 1st and the 14th day of February. Jasper is ideal for those who are born in the second saga.

Here are the vivid inscriptions of the alternative birthstones of February:

Jasper (February 1st to 29th – the guardian angel rock)

Jasper is the main of the alternative February Birthstones. It belongs to the Chalcedony Gemstone category. The mineral is available in a consortium of colours. These include Red, Green, Brown, and Yellow.  The red variety is the most abundant while blue and green are the rarest. Astrologers believe that this beautiful gemstone brings vigour and wisdom to the wearers. 

The Most-wanted variety of Jasper

Ocean Jaspar, featuring multi-coloured circular orbs, gained the most popularity among the Japer varieties. What is special about this gemstone is that it is transparent yet not fully clear.

Benefits the users get from wearing Jasper

Jasper counters Stress

Jasper calms the mind down thereby reducing stress and bringing relief from strains.

Promotes Clarity

Jasper protects the mind from negative energies. It thus offers clarity when the wearer needs those the most.

Healing from Innate

The gemstone heals from the base and brings happiness.

Brings Stability and Grounding

Minerals are said to have deep connections with the earth and jasper is no exception. Its connection to the ground also makes the user grounded. Realising the grounded factors in events will keep you stable in all walks of life. You will earn the worth you deserve the most.

Jewellery Styles to Consider to Wear Jasper

Jasper Pendant

Females prefer to use gemstones in their necklaces or pendants rather than rings. The red shine around the neck makes a statement that only belongs to it. The elaborate style will be a fascinating addition to the collection.

Solitaire Ring made by Jasper

Ring is the solitary option remaining for users who cannot adorn pendants. However, there is nothing to panic. A solitaire ring is a fantastic addition to dresses irrespective of their types. You will gain in style while featuring the counterfoils to your temperamental issues.

Jasper Buying Guide

The price and value of jasper, the alternative February Birthstone depend on the following factors:

  • Blue and Vibrant Orange Jasper are usually high-priced. A similar clause applies to Semi-Transparent and Translucent ones.
  • The cut quality and polish affect the overall quality of Jasper, thus influencing its price too.
  • Varieties like the Picture Jasper carry more cost than usual types.
  • Jasper drawn out from specific locations might bear certain exceptional characteristics. Such factors can affect price too.
  • Colour, pattern and symbolic meanings are principal considerations when choosing Jasper gemstones. 

Red Garnet (For birthdays between the 1st and 29th of February)

Astrologers prescribe Garnet to people who are suffering from the evil stroke of luck. These stones stuck to the wearer. Even if stolen, it brings up severe misfortune to the stealer. In most occasions, the owner gains the gem back.

The people’s favourite gemstone is available in a host of colours. The ranges start from purple-red and terminate at the dark blood colour. The mineral is a silicate variety of magnesium or calcium. The cost is also not high considering its abundance in nature. 

Red Garnet offers psychological advantages to the users too. It reduces inflammation. Deeper shades are more powerful. The gemstones protect the wearer from poisoning. Fortune Tellers thus prescribes this gemstone to people having rivals in the family and workplace.

The Roles of Red Garnet in Developing Persona

Developing a Persona means improving several qualities relating to personal and emotional attributes. The few lines elucidate selected features of Red Garnet that help in developing our personal qualities.

Spiritual  Healing

  • Red imparts the feeling of strength. Holding Red Garnet in your hand will fill you with the sensation of strength and energy. You will overcome fear and feel the inner power.
  • The softness of Garnet will ignite passion within a person. You will feel an inspired love, dedication, and flare-up towards people around you.
  • Wearing the stone helps to generate courage and willpower in you. It also works to instil determination. It is the main factor behind your ability to reach your target.
  • Red Garnet is reported to stimulate Root Chakra, thereby provoking motivation and drive. People can motivate themselves to attain something.
  • The stone inspires positive thinking thereby replacing the negative attributes. Wearing this beautiful gemstone will erase turmoil, stress, and mental backlogs from your mind.
  • It enhances libido and sexual desire.
  • Red garnet stimulates imagination and brings creativity thereby boosting productivity.

Physical Cure

  • Red Garnet is a formula Blood Cleanser and Purifier. The gem also works with conditions related to Spleen, Heart, and Lungs.
  • Astrologers say that Red Garnet has roles in Stimulating, Balancing, and Motivating the Heart Chakra. Heart Rhythms and Blood Pressure are thus effectively manipulated through the use of the Astral Guide.
  • Besides reducing Inflammation, Red Garnet plays roles in alleviating asthma, and as a decongestant. 

Other Important Uses

  • Try sleeping with Red Garnet. Place it under your pillow to get rid of nightmares, bad dreams, and Vampires. Sound and comfortable sleep will fill your mind with positive energies.
  • Garnets are known for their protective powers. The availability of the right kind of protection would help your mind with feelings of securedness. This may help in generating creativity in you.

Things to look at when buying

  • You are going for Reed Garnet. Make the type of red you want your top priority. Confirm from your advisor whether it is purple or orange-red. Orange-red Garnets are also available in various shades.
  • Confirm whether the variety you need will contain inclusions.
  • Check the cut; it is a parameter of quality that the stone offers.
  • Let the advisor inform the measurements of the gemstone; the measure of the carat would point to the genuineness.

Preferred Jewellery Styles for Red Garnet

You can use any form of Garnet with other gemstone pieces to bring extraneous effects. However, Necklaces, Rings, etc., made using Red Garnet are also available. In the following lines, I am going to narrate some of the combined gems pieces. The wearer is supposed to reap the benefits of both gems in the collections:

Red Garnet an Diamond

The elusivemess of redness of Garnet and the classic elegance of diamond are classic contrasts. They make unique combination that is enough to make statements through pieces of Jewellery. Consider a pair of both Red Garnet and Diamond in a pendant or a pair of Garnet and Diamond in beads as a validity proof of my words.

Red Garnet and Peridot

Pairing Red Garnet with Peridot brings out a combination of playfulness and vibrancy. You will be surprised to watch how the redness of Garnet matches with the youthful green of Peridot. Adding the pair in bracelet or ring forms a unique set for spring and summer outfits.

Red garnet and Amethyst

Both of these gemstones conform to the February Birthstones, and thus their combination is sure to build a strong spiritual combination. The elegant redness of the Garnet and purple blue of the Amethyst make supernatural combination. Using the combination in your jewellery will make an unfailing statement of both courage and royalty According to the Jewellery experts, the pair opens up in Bracelets or Earrings the best.

Jade (For people born between 1st and 29th February)

The gem is considered a symbol of love. Thus it carries a high resemblance with the spirit of February. Originating in China, where ‘Jade’ means King, the gemstone brings up the senses of rank, profile, and authority in the minds of the users. The earliest source of this mineral lies in China.

The gem offers a natural hue of many fine nuances of green. Yet, we can see the mineral in different shades in nature. The various shades in which Jade is available include Black, Gray, Yellow, Orange, and White. It is also available in delicate violet tones. 

These gems are available in two varieties – Nephrite and Jadeite. The Emerald-Green variety reflects its true nature.

Jade – the Good Luck Gemstone

Jade, an alternative among the February Birthstones, is said to fetch luck by warding off negative energies. It centres and grounds the spirit, fostering calm and tranquillity. The erosion of negativities also helps in the promotion of self-awareness and acceptance. Finally, we can witness an honest and diligent person.

Physical Healing Properties of Jade

Using Jade, particularly in the form of Bracelet, contributes to its best application. The gem is said to cure a lot of physical disputes. Its use as an alternative medicine finds use on the following grounds:

  • It frees the body from toxins thereby aiding the body filtration system.
  • Jade has contributed to curing Kidney Issues and several Adrenal Gland Issues.

How to use Jade to Maximize Benefits

  • Use Jade strategically to cultivate its optimum potential. Using the material in office space would help in maintaining focus and reducing stress. Keeping it in the vicinity of the home helps in steadying the relationships between the members of the house. In this way, you can nurture its power to keep harmony. 
  • Again, place the gem in places near your sleeping or resting place. Thus, you can utilise its healing properties.
  • However, the best practice is to wear the gem, preferably in the form of a Bracelet. Wearing means keeping it in constant touch with the wearer. Nothing can produce a better effect than this. Wearing means connecting to the flow of energy and retaining the momentum of the flow.

How to buy Jade

Jade purchasing can be a tough task as fake varieties of gemstones also dominate the market sometimes. Look at its colour in the first instance. The jadeite variety exhibits saturated and intense colours, like Vibrant Green or Rich Lavender. Stones belonging to the Neprite variety also have their signature colours. The size of the gemstone as well as the designs imbibed within affect the price significantly.

A perfect Jade gemstone will make a bell-like sound while struck. Fake stones, on the other hand, will produce a dull tone if struck.

The appearance of the perfect stones is lustre, transparent, and natural appearance. These may also have spots on different shades of the stone. Fake gemstones look more perfect in their outlook. Take the help of an expert to identify the real gemstone. Feel its appearance and check if you feel any inconsistency or imperfection.

Proper budgeting before reaching the market to purchase a Jade is also essential. Survey the quality of materials available and their probable price. Fix your budget accordingly and reach the market fully prepared. Rational bargaining will help you get the thing at its right price.

Using Jade in Jewellery

Jade has the spirit to bring luck and prosperity in the lives of the wearers. Besides, it is said to part the evil spirits away. The Chiese have th custom to use the gemstone in their Jewels in the ancient periods. The Spirituality Practitioners in the country believed the stone helps in the safe passage of a person throughout the life by prevbenting the inclusions of evil spirits. They even used the stone in the tombs of the dead with a believe that the stone will make the journey to the heaven safe and secured.

Jade thus influences positive energies cancelling negativities thereby. By omitting negative feelings, it works to strike a balance in life.Use Jade in the bracelet you wear; it will calm your mind. Designing the Jewellery from a reputed Jeweller or Craftsman would help make it a fashion statement too. You can use the gem in other forms of Jewelry also, viz., Rings, Earrings, or Pendants.

Serpentine (Birthdays between 1st and 29th February)

These gemstones have positive effects against rheumatism. Its nomenclature was done by considering its snake-like shape They can be used as antidotes for snake biting. It raises emotional strength and helps people strike back against adversities.

The mineral is available in different places around Europe, Asia, America, Africa, and Australia. The largest resources are in Russia while the mountain ranges of Australia, France and Italy contain havoc traces of the stone. Other countries where Serpentine is found include Greece and Cyprus, New Zealand, China, Afghanistan, Canada, South Africa, and India.

The serpentine-look gemstone comes in varieties like multicoloured green, grey, and black. It has a characteristic dull to greasy lustre that lets the user feel the touch of somewhat sloppy. 

From the above discussion, we can thus say that customers’ preferences and their birth needs have played a role in the selection of February Birthstones.

Benefits offered by Serpentine

Serpentine offers a host of benefits to its users. Besides the usual Emotional and Physical Benefits, the gemstone can also contribute to Crystal Therapy. It is an innovative approach to Medicinal Astrology. Let us delve deep into what it contains:

Emotional Benefits

The use of Serpentine calms the mind, develops the sense of rationality, and promotes a sense of inner peace and balance. It also nurtures self-discipline and improves decision-making.

  • The use of Serpentine reduces anxiety besides alleviating stress.
  • Its power to develop tranquillity within makes this an adorable option.
  • Besides fixing mental balance, the gem also helps in self-recognition and acceptance.
Physical Healing

Like Jade, Serpentine too, can make our bodies steer clear of toxins. Its cleansing effect extends to blood thereby making our bodies free of every sort of impurity. Following is the list of Serpentine’s Physical Curing Properties:

  • Serpentine supports the generation of a healthy blood circulation system.
  • Both Respiratory and Digestive systems witness promotion under the influence of Serpentine.
  • It reduces body inflammation.
  • Soothes muscle aches and pains.
  • Supports the immune system
  • Promotes cell regeneration and tissue repairs.
Use of Serpentine in Crystal Therapy

Serpentine offers versatile aspects of healing. It can thus encourage practitioners to utilise its qualities to influence crystal healing.

During the process, a piece of the gem is placed around the body to facilitate quick efficacy. Its connection to the healing energies of the earth fosters a sense of calm and protection in the minds of the sufferers.

The subtle gentle and uplifting nature of the Serpentine has made it an excellent choice for beginners in the Crystal Therapy Procedure. People suffering from emotional challenges gain from the gem’s, ability to steer clear the emotional stress and anxiety.

Again, the protective property of Surpentine has made it an important weapon to combat negative energies and temperamental invasions. People with sensitiveness to energies are benefited from its ability to create a circle of protective energy field.

Serpentine Buying Guide

While purchasing Serpentine. the alternative February Birthstone, you must consider its colour, clarity, and inclusions. This material is available in almost 20 translucent or opaque minerals. People adore their shining surface and calming colours.

Choosing the right kind of Birthstone from among the cluster of materials can be daunting. Seek the help of people (The sellers or stone experts) who have a continuous attachment to the gemstone. Proper cooperation will help you get the right thing.

Let us consider the factors that could bring the best value for Serpentine Gemstones:

  • The intensity of colour and its distribution impact the price of Serpentine the most. The prized varieties will come up in rich and deep green hues. The distribution is seen in even coloured or natural patterns of hues. Both Apple-Green and Emerald-Green materials attract the best prices.
  • Size can be a factor for pricing yet it is not consistent. Usually, high-quality and evenly distributed large pieces of Serpentine attract topmost prices. The unavailability factor also works in the determination of price at times.
  • Material polish and surface quality also impact the value. Expert eyes identify gems without pitting or rough spots. Consistent lustre materials usually attract higher prices.
  • You can also consider the origin factor while choosing Serpentine. Materials belonging to particular origins offer better patterns, lustre finish, and durability. Serpentines that originated in New Zealand are among the best varieties.
  • The presence of matrices like rocks can reduce the value of gems considerably. It is, however, considered when the presence enhances aesthetics or there is a scientific significance behind such presence.
  • Serpentine carving is a long-drawn tradition in the markets of Eastern Countries. In these zones, the presence of craftsmanship in carved or shaped pieces of gems attracts higher prices. The same clause applies to materials designed with articulated artistry.

How to wear Serpentine Gems

You can adorn Serpentine in different Jewellery Patterns. The following lines enumerate some of the favourite styles of wearing this beautiful gem. Choice the best befit for you


The advisors usually recommend Necklaces to wear Serpentine. Besides offering a stunning look, Serpentine Bracelets bring most of their innate energy near the heart chakra.


Bracelets made with the inclusion of Serpentine constitute the most comfortable wear. You can add other gemstones to Serpentine in these wears if your fortuneteller recommends. 


Rings incorporating faceted serpentine stones are understated jewellery pieces. Yet, these are equally meaningful as other forms. 


Besides emitting elegance, serpentine earrings can offer a better shot of internal energy.

Custom Pieces

Personalized Jewellery Pieces can also incorporate gems like Serpentine. These pieces demonstrate the fundamental grace of the gem. The wearers also enjoy the spiritual benefits of the gemstone. 

The Final Words

Amethyst is known for its royal attrition that has captivated people from elite families and commoners alike. The lush purple hues and bespoke symbolism continue to tell the users about its magnificence. 

Fortunately, people do not have to wait for long to get one piece of their choice. Their wide abundance has helped the price stay at the economic level. Your fortune is within your grip now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1.Wherefrom the word “Amethyst” has come?

Ans: The word ‘Amethyst’ originated from the Greek word ‘methustos.’ It means intoxicated. People in the earlier days believed that wearing this gem would not reveal their drunkenness to whatever extent it might be. 

Q2. What is the most abundant source of Amethyst?

Ans: The mines in Africa and Latin America contain the largest resources of Amethyst.

Q3. To whom did Jasper belong? What did it symbolize?

Ans: Jasper was a gemstone of Angel Raphael. It represents strength, courage, and wisdom.

Q4. What physical motifs does Jasper serve?

Ans: In earlier days, Jasper was used to cure stomach and bowel issues, and combat fevers. People used to wear Mottled Jasper to prevent death by water.

Q5. What remedial qualities does Amethyst have?

Ans: Amethyst is believed to calm fears and cure the nervous system.

About Jaylin Khan

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