April Birthstones​: Diamond, Sapphire, Opal, White Topaz, and Carnelian

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By Jaylin Khan

April Birthstones​: Diamond, Sapphire, Opal, White Topaz, and Carnelian

People born in April can take pride as they have a myriad of Gems as their Birthstones. While Diamond is conferred as the principal of April Birthstones​, Topaz and Carnelian are Guardian Angel and Special Apostle Birthstones respectively. Crystal is considered the astral birth gem for those born with the Aries zodiac sign in April. Ruby is the Taurus zodiacal birthstone like the Diamond. Thus, April is the month of the Taurus Zodiac. Previously, Opal was also considered as one of the Birthstones for April.

Can you tell me What is April’s Birthstone?

Several gems were historically considered the birthstones for April. These include Sapphire and Opal which have traditionally been regarded as the April Birthstones​. After detailed research of the people born in April in general, Fortunetellers have finally scheduled Diamond as the main birthstone for April. The earlier ones also are considered as alternatives among many others.

The innate hardness of Diamond strengthens the users with their collective vigours. April-born people usually exhibit better ability to stick to relationships. Diamond supports them in acquiring and regaining relationships. The gemstone also provides the users with balance, clarity, and abundance.

Diamonds, as birthstones, are of high significance to users. The Article narrates its meaning in the next chapter. 

Discuss April Birthstone Meaning

Diamond, The principal among April Birthstones​ is believed to bear fortune. People even in the 21st century believe that this gemstone will hold the wearers unconquered even in their toughest times. The word ‘Diamond’ comes from the Greek Syllable Adamas which means “Invincible.”  The material promotes love, clarity, and strength. It brings a stroke of luck. So, abundance is closely associated with the stone. It also provides the user with healing from disease and general protection.

The valuable gemstone is available in a consort of colours. Fundamentally, the mineral is colourless; the shades form due to the presence of impurities in it. The available colours for Diamonds are Black, Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Orange, and Yellow. 

Structural irregularities in the crystals where diamonds form can also cause the formation of colours in the mineral. For instance, Yellow pieces of Diamond have traces of Nitrogen while the Blue pieces contain Boron. Distortion of Crystal Lattice imparts the Pink and Red colours to the mineral gemstone.

Recount the benefits that the main of April Birthstones​ offer

Diamond Benefits

Diamond bestows the holders with both physical and mental health perquisites. Apart from mental health improvement, it can bring up spiritual enlightenment too. The material is closely related to financial success; this is a good way to invest too.

The Emotional and Mental Benefits that Diamond Offers

Diamond offers strokes of benefits to balance the emotions and thus, the mental status of the people wearing this gemstone. The following are the stages that the stone persuades to stabilise the emotional balance:

Relief of Stress

Diamonds can help in the relief from stress effect thereby making the user free from anxiety. Freeing your mind from strains would enable you to manage the emotional turmoil more effectively. A sense of calmness and balance would evade your mind.

Emotional Cure

Diamond, the principal of April Birthstones, is known to congregate positive energy around the wearer’s body and mind. People wear this stone to overcome negative emotions like fear, anger, jealousy, etc. An infusion of positivity can help them lead a quality life. From now on, they will be more self-confident.

Increase in the level of Confidence. 

Diamond brings about mental stability. With boosted mental health, your level of confidence reaches the horizon. 

Adjudging the Self-Esteem

Temperamental strength helps to heighten the standard of faith in oneself.

Profounding the base of Creativity

People believe that wearing diamonds will invigorate the wearer’s imaginative power and ability to create new things. New ideas will usher in the mind. It fills the user’s mind with captive imaginations. The gemstone can thus be a great fit for writers, artists, and everyone in the creative work zones.

It Brings Spiritual Benefits

As an astrological gemstone, Diamond has the power to change, mend, control, improve, and strengthen the user’s life. His temperamental prospect held the user to do all good deeds. He can get rid of his inferiority complex which shows a remarkable development in his spirituality and immortality. The mineral fosters the Universal Power in the mind and body of the user.

Energy and Vitality

The following lines narrate how the gemstone enhances the internal energy level of the users. The use of the mineral also helps in making the users invincible in a way.

Enhances Energy

Diamonds can dispel your fatigue by inducing energy. Your level of vitality will also go up and you will never feel slacked. 

Balances Chakra

In various astrological processes, Diamonds are believed to balance and align the chakras  The processes clear the blockages for energy and ensure free energy flowing. With amplified energy, both physical and mental development are plausible.

Empowers the Aura

One of the Diamond’s principal effects is its capacity to release tremendous energy. With such energy, it empowers the Aura, i.e. the energy field that surrounds our body. With increased energy, the Aura can mitigate the negative influences and promote overall well-being.

Diamond rejuvenates Stamina and Vigour

According to modern Astrologers, Diamonds found in nature carry extraordinary vibes. These flows assist the wearer to free from any previous trauma and generate new phases of strength and energy. The super-naturally powered gemstone can relieve the user from several health conditions like Asthma, Liver Diseases, and Throat Complexities. Both Urinary Tract and Digestive System will have improved conditions. The heavenly-powered gemstone can also cure skin, jaw, and lip-related conditions. By warding off all the negativities and keeping the evil eye at bay, it helps promote all sorts of physical and mental health. 

Boosts Confidence by adding Positivities

Diamonds have occupied the traits of Venus thereby guiding the users through the courses of life. Boosting your level of self-confidence, helps you face each of the challenges that come your way. Your rival will trail back by witnessing a new and improvised you. The gemstone is also a symbol of grace and good luck. Its presence will shatter you with lines of pertinence and perseverance. 

Fetches Wealth for the Wearers

The Planet Venus is associated with the Diamond. Therefore, the gemstone is closely related to wealth and treasure. The major part of its performance constitutes searching for wealth for the wearer. The gemstone is also a great tool for investment. You can expect a good return on the money you have incurred in the gemstone. The colourless element produces the best effect if worn in a bright or white gold ring or pendant necklace. 

Pieces of Jewellery constituting Diamond

Astrologers recommend holding the gemstone in a way to enable it to touch your body. White Gold is the best metal for the stone; however, you can go for bright silver pieces too if are going on a stringent budget. One can use it as a ring on the middle or little finger of the working hand. 

Discuss the buying policy of Diamond.

The vital 4Cs dominate the choice of this brilliant gemstone. These are Cut. Colour, Clarity, and Carat Weight. 


Cutting is the most important characteristic to determine the grade of the pieces for sale. Prices also vary based on the cut a diamond piece has.

Diamond is a shining mineral and its shine makes its price. In poorly cut pieces, light reflects inward. A major portion of its shine is thus goes out of vision. In properly cut pieces, lights reflect outward and viewers can see most of the gemstone.


The colour of a diamond affects its buying policy greatly. People want these pieces with no colour and thus the colourless varieties are top-priced. Its Lab-grading starts from D and continues to Z. ‘D’ represents the best quality and ‘Z’ the worst.

Diamond pieces graded D. E. and F are thus excellent choices and are valued at the best level. Grades embarking G. H. I, and J are nearly colourless pieces. These are moderately rated.


You cannot find a diamond without a flaw. It is said that flaws are the birthmarks of diamonds. Besides the number of flaws, their positions, and types also factorize the Clarity of diamonds pieces. 

Inclusions within diamonds are types of carbon. These take the form of crystals, needles, or pinpoints. Based on the type of inclusions, Diamonds are classified into forms like Flawless (FL) to Inclusions (I).

The presence of Inclusions or the extent of Clarity helps determine the valuation of diamonds. Pieces with no or minimum amount of inclusions are priced at a higher rate than with more inclusions.

Carat Weight

Carat Weight bears a different meaning for gemstones like diamonds. For other gemstones, Carat Weight refers to their size and dimension. Each carat of diamond, on the other hand, carries a particular weight. 1 carat diamond = 0.2 gms of diamond.

Due to this reason, Carat Weight has the least significance in the value determination. Two pieces with the same Carat Weight but differences in sizes may carry huge variations in their prices.

What personalized gifts can the April Birthstone make?

Diamond, the principal April Diamond, can constitute several lucrative personalized gifts:

  • Diamond Ring (No Colour)
  • Diamond-studded Cufflinks
  • Watch with studded Diamond
  • Statement Coloured Diamond Ring.
  • Whiskey decanter encrusted with Diamond
  • Three-stone Diamond Necklace Pendant. It represents parents and a child. It can also be an emblem of three close friends.

Various others.

What are the alternatives to the main April Birthstones​?

Sapphire – for birthdays between April 1st and 30th

Sapphire dominates the alternatives of April Birthstones. In earlier times, the gemstones used to be regarded as the principal Birthstone for the month. The idea was changed after the invention of the Diamond and it became the principal of the Birthstones of April.

The mineral has derived its name from the Greek Word “Sappheiros” – meaning deep blue. It is popularly known for its deep sea blue hues. Besides the Spiritual Insights, Sapphire is also synonymous with Wisdom and Clarity, as well as with Perceiveness. The gemstone is a clear emblem of protection also.

Benefits of Sapphire

The benefits that the mineral brings about can be classified into the following categories:

Emotional Balance
  • The gemstone calms your mind by eliminating stress, anxiety, and restlessness feelings. It can soothe the energy level.
  • Sapphire increases emotional power and resilience. With enhanced mental power, the wearer faces intervening situations with much more enthusiasm and brilliance.
Mental Clarity

Both Focus and Temperamental ability take a new shape under the influence of Sapphire. You will thus start to make well-thought-out and rational decisions after wearing the gemstone.

Physical Wellness

Besides curing issues like Migraines and Headaches, Sapphire also alleviates insomnia. It frees people from anxieties and allows a restful sleep for them.

Healing Benefits

Its healing benefits can also be sub-divided into the following categories:

Physical Cure
  • Sapphire cures vocal disorders and throat issues. Therefore, the gemstone can be an excellent choice for artists and singers alike.
  • The gemstones heal certain skin conditions including acne and eczema.
  • By detoxing our bodies, the gemstone promotes overall well-being.
Emotional Healing
  • Besides relieving the wearers from emotional imbalance, Sapphire also helps in the healing of mental wounds. It relieves the wearers from past traumas thereby elevating emotional resilience.
  • The gemstone paves the way for clear, honest, and lucid communication.
Metaphysical Healing
  • Sapphire is believed to be an excellent tool for meditation. Apart from this, it promotes your psyche abilities and helps improve your innate intuitive powers.
  • The gemstone aligns the chakras. It can thereby help in overall well-being and harmony.

Using Sapphire

The use of Sapphire depends on the purpose for its use. Let us consider;

  • In the first place, you must choose the appropriate metal when you wear this gemstone to resolve a spiritual hind. Astrologers recommend using the gemstone in Gold Ring or Pendants as the best practice.
  • You can keep pieces of the gemstone in different places in and around your home. It will help elevate the overall situation of the home decor. The life inside will demonstrate both elusiveness and productivity.
  • The wearers can keep their sapphire pendants or rings on their desks of work. It will help enhance their focus on work, elevate their level of concentration, and better their decision-making abilities. You can also keep a piece of the gemstone to promote overall development.

Opal – An important alternative for Diamond for people born between April 1 and 30

From among the varieties of Gemstones, Opal is probably the most discussed. Studying its history has revealed the fact that the mineral’s journey was never a streamlined one. It has gone through commandments and condemns.

The gemstone is associated with Libra whose month is October. It is also among the alternative April Birthstones for people who carry Libra in their birth chart and are born in April. Astrologers also call it ‘The Amplifier Gemstone’ for its ability to magnify spiritual virtues. 

Opal Meaning

The loving gemstone probably got its name from the Latin Word “Opalus”. Yet, astrological verses call it a modification of the Sanskrit Word “Opala”, meaning ‘The Precious Stone.’

Its ‘Amplification’ quality helps the wearers rewind their previous actions and thoughts into grounds and magnify those. Therefore, you can realise their possible consequences. Then the gemstone will help you identify the useless ones and delimitate them. The introspective and emotional clarity that it brings to the users also made the astrologers call it ‘The Eye Stone.’ Its cleansing perspective helps it earn the title ‘The Stone of Happy Dreams and Positive Changes.’

Types of Opal

Black Opal

The dark grey to blackish opal varieties are found in the mines of Mounabie and Lightening Ridge of Australia. People like their colour richness and depth. Their underlying variation offers them a tone of sobriety.

Ethiopian Opal

Varieties of Opal coming from Ethiopia contain hydrophane. These are slightly yellowish or entirely orange in colour. Ethiopian Opals resemble Crystal Opals.

Crystal Opal

These are among the most adored opal varieties. People like them for their orchestral dynamism of colours within the stone. Genetically, these gemstones are saddled with intricate designs and are one of the scarcest minerals. 

White Opal

It can be an opal from any source with a white body. These can also demonstrate gameplay of colours, but those are not so vibrant like Black Opals.

Boulder Opal

These are also Australian varieties. Boulder Opals are opal gemstones containing a layer of materials at its outskirts. Usually, these are found in deep brown outskirts.

Mexican Fire Opal

The body colour of these opals is deep orangs. Flashes of blue and green lights are seen to sparkle within these pieces. Flashes add vibrancy to their dull outlook. It also influences their prices too.

Australian Opal

There is no specific variety that belongs to this class. Usually, Jewellers use this term to refer to black opals. You can consider the nomenclature to refer to any gemstone with a base in Australia.

Healing Properties

Opal evades high inspirational energy. Its power of amplification kickstarts the modified person within you. The showers of new hopes create a great balance within you by dint of the new regulation you develop from within.

The gemstone offers a host of benefits both to the wearer’s Physical and Emotional attributes. Let us examine:

Physical Healing
  • Opal boosts the immune system and can counter infections and low-grade fevers successfully.
  • It removes heart congestion and regains back the normal rhythm of respiration.
  • People suffering from long-term diseases or chronic conditions can find a welcoming companion in Opals.
  • It betters liver functioning.
  • Pains associated with Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) or childbirth are considerably reduced by using Opal.
  • It brightens visibility. The gemstone also works in conditioning skin, hair, and nails.
Emotional Cure
  • Opal bring your earlier performances down to earth from memory. It will visualise those in magnified form so that you can find the skitters.
  • The gemstone will help you clear those mistakes and spread the message across the universe.
  • It will never let you down. So, you will thrash the old and useless relationships in the garbage.
  • Under the influence of Opal, you will continuously be on the path of progress.

Metaphysical Properties of Opal

Opal has a strong connection with water. As most people have powerful fluid allies, opal can bring positive effects to everyone. By dint of the water counterpart within us, we can stay calm and concentrated.

Opal Uses

You can use the gemstone in any standard form of jewellery – Pendant, Necklace, or Ring. The astrological myth says that the gemstone enjoys companionship. Using it with Sunstone or Garnet can yield an outstanding effect. Adjoining it with Haematite or Black Turmaline helps you to feel more grounded. 

Caring for Opal

Opal needs gentle sophisticated care for its intrinsic susceptibility to scratches and fragility. It is also sensitive to frequent temperature changes. Therefore, using gemstones in necklaces and pendants will offer it more durability.

You can clean the opal with a soft cloth only. Its water content inside would do the rest. The material does not take much time to pat dry.

White Topaz – The April Guardian Angel Birthstone – for birthdates between the 1st and 30th of April

Topaz is said to have borrowed its name from the Sanskrit Inscription “Topas” meaning heat. The gemstone changes its appearance when exposed to heat. Diamond has a close association with white colour or no colour. White Topaz is thus considered a good alternative among April Birthstones. In Greek mythologies, its name is Tapazios meaning Divinity.

The main source of White Topaz lies in Brazil. Other resources lie in Sri Lanka, Germany, Russia, and the United States. In these states, the best quality gemstones are available. In many other countries, traces of White Topaz have been found, but their quality is not up to mark.

Who should wear White Topaz?

  • People feeling too confused and cannot make the proper decisions, can wear White Topaz. It brings clarity to the thought process.
  • People who are suffering from migraines can use this gemstone.
  • If you want to connect to the spiritual realm and enhance your intuitive power, White Topaz can be of great help. It helps develop Clairvoyance Qualities.

Benefits that White Topaz Offers its users

Emotional Benefits

White Topaz is closely related to the Crow Chakra. The region, if blocked, brings in several negative feelings. These include hopelessness, despair, discontentment, and depression. All forms of jewellery made using White Topaz, viz., Necklace, Bracelets, or Rings unblock these negativities. Its effect enhances the wearer’s memory level and hikes enthusiasm. The elimination of Migraine or headaches is also signs of bringing positive energy and change in the look towards life. 

Healing Benefits

The White Material also encourages several physical outlays. Some of the important benefits that it brings in include:

  • It embodies the spirit. The wearer can thus know about himself much better than he could previously.
  • Besides curing Migraine and Headaches, White Topaz also cures hair, skin, and nail issues.
  • You will be more conscious about your thoughts when you wear this gemstone.
  • Genuine White Topaz will connect you to the World of Divinity. You may become a part of the heavenly processes carried out there.
  • Besides spiritual, creative endeavours are also encouraged with White Topaz.

Carnelian – April Special Apostle Birth Gem – for people born between April 1 and 30

The Origin and Meaning of Carnelian

India has the richest source of Carnelian. It is the primary source of the gemstone found in the market today. Other countries that have its resources include Brazil, Uruguay, and Egypt.

The material is available in two hues – Red and Yellow. The former stands for courage and strength. The latter represents creativity and joy. Therefore, users can gather enough confidence and logic bases while speaking in public.

Benefits that Carnelian Offers

Carnelian, one of the alternatives of April Birthstones, offer its wearers the strength to speak to people. Besides, it is also said to create self-esteem, love for others, passion, and motivating qualities. People searching for wealth can adorn this gemstone. 

Some of the beneficial features that Carnelian offers include:

Physical Healing

Carnelian stimulates the innate healing property of the wearers. The body can thus be free from diseases all on its own. Metabolism Issues, Blood Circulation, and Fertility are some of the grounds where the gemstone can positively impact.

Mental and Emotional Cure

Carnelian helps in enhancing focus and concentration. It increases the basic intellect of people. The wearers can better comprehend situations and can break their complexities into small tiers of solutions. It enhances memory and inspires people to engage in the fields of creativity.

Metaphysical Properties of Carnelian

According to the ancient astrological myth, Carnelian is closely associated with three basic Chakras. Let us see how their interaction works with the users.

Root Chakra

Carnelian helps to remove the block in the Root Chakra. Therefore, we can regain our mentality of feeling secure and can once again accept emotional risks. The activity of the Root Chakra helps us feel grounded. It keeps our fundamental senses intact.

Sacral Chakra

People owe their personalities to the Sacral Chakra. Besides, it increases their zest for love, passion, and friendly feelings. Carnelian saves this chakra from being blocked. 

Solar Plexus Chakra

By working with this level, Carnelian Keeps our warrior spirit ignited. The chakra also works in adjudging people’s respect for their own.

Caring for Carnelian

The gemstone Carnelian should be kept away from harsh chemicals Intense heat and frequent temperature changes destroy the essence of Carnelian.

Washing is a simple process for Cornelian Care. You can wash it in warm soapy water using a soft brush. Put the stone under a stream of clean water once the process is over. Pat it dry with a clean cloth.

Discuss the Users’ Principles of Carnelian Stones Uses

Use Carnelian in the form that the Fortuneteller or the advisor had suggested. The person should tell you the best time to wear it. However, if you are going by your suggestion, remember to use it regularly. You can also use it on specific occasions when you need additional energy and inspiration. Commencing its use in the morning is the best policy as you can enjoy its activity for the rest of the day.

You can put the gemstone in the following types of Jewelleries:


You can use Carnelian in rings. It means direct attachment with the wearer’s body thereby boosting the effect. You should wear the ring in either the Ring or the Middle finger to fetch its best effect. However, wearing the stone in Rings can be risky because of its high fragility. 


Wearing Carnelian in a necklace is desirable for people who want to enhance their public speaking ability or capture additional confidence. It works by staying near the Heart Chakra.


The best principle to wear Carnelion is in the form of a Bracelet. In this form, energy spreads uniformly throughout the body thus providing the best course of action.

How should you purchase the alternative April Birthstones​?

Purchasing Guide for 


  • Sapphires are valued mainly for their colours. Blue is the dominant hue for the gemstone and the ranges include Velvetty to Violetish Blue. The preferred tone ranges from medium to medium dark. Colour saturation is also an important consideration.
  • Gemstones are chosen based on their appearance. Here comes the importance of cutting the stone to shape it into a marketable form. Best-cut stones will reflect light to the eyes of the viewer and thus are dearer. Cutters emphasize colour zoning, pleochroism, and segmenting darkness and brightness of stones.
  • Clarity or the extent of inclusions also plays a vital role in the selection of Sapphire. 
  • Lastly, the Carat Weight.  Blue Sapphires can weigh from a few points to hundreds of carats. Larger Blue Sapphires are readily available. Stones for fashion uses are available in less than 5.00 Carat Weight.


  • Pick the most appealing stone for your use.
  • Consider its colour. Red opals are the top in demand. This is followed by Orange, Yellow, Green, and Blue.
  • Check your selected stone against an illuminating lamp for clarity. Do not ignore the pieces with formation illusions, or other Natural Inclusions. Avoid gemstones with cracks. You can also ask the vendor for clarity. Reputed sellers do not keep stones with flakes.
  • Registered Sellers will offer you a Certificate of Authenticity whether you ask for it or not. The copy not only builds your confidence, but the seller also earns your accreditation with such providence.

White Topaz

White Topaz is available in various shapes. Therefore, you can buy the piece that attracts your mind the best. The name is commercial; originally, it was Colourless Topaz. The Clarity of Topaz should be understood by the naked eye. Well-proportioned gems offer maximum brilliance and thus are most desirable.

The gemstones can be priced between 5 and 50 USD. The cost depends on their cut, design, size, and quality.


Factors that influence Carnelian Price include:

  • The Geographic Location: Colour Spectrum and intensity of the gemstone influence its value. Carnelian from specific locations are deeper, better colour-contrasted, and are of good quality. These have a comparatively higher market.
  • Carnelian stones are Translucent in look. These allow the passage of light through them, enhancing their brightness. Opaque pieces should be avoided.
  • Quality pieces of carnelian possess smooth and glossy surfaces after polishing. This exhibits clear craftsmanship that helps increase the value of the gemstone.
  • Choose a reputable vendor to buy your Carnelian. Never forget to ask for the ‘Certificate of Authenticity’ along with the gemstone piece.


The above document contains a vivid description of the April Birthstones. Besides Diamond, the main Birthstone, brief notes and descriptions about the alternatives of April Birthstone are also offered. We have also introduced a brief guideline about their purchases. Hope, you will find valuable information in the context. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is April Taurus’ Birthstone?

Emerald – the May Birthstone.

Are the physical benefits of diamond pieces proven scientifically?

Many people trust what the astrologers say about the physical and health benefits that diamonds can offer. Scientists, however, did not find any evidence supporting such beliefs.

Can the diamond users get any side effects?

Diamond does not cause any side effects on the user’s body. Yet, some people can experience different effects like allergies. These effects may be due to their sensitivities towards energy charges.

Can we have any physical gain by wearing diamonds?

Common beliefs say diamonds detoxify the body and improve circulation. The statement has to scientific validation. Your best policy would be to consult a medical professional in this regard for his/her opinion.

Can diamonds bring about emotional development?

Astrologers recommend Diamond to clients for its ability to promote positive thoughts and discard negativities. Fortunetellers, however, say that the effectiveness is not equal for all, rather varies from one person to another.

About Jaylin Khan

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