Display Boxes:
Display boxes are becoming common these days. Most of the leading brands have understood the significance of marketing. They have realized that the purpose of custom boxes is not just to protect the products rather they play a significant part in marketing efforts and product’s branding. Display boxes are one of the most important marketing tools used by businesses. As they increase the visibility and accessibility of products so they are usually seen in every retail environment. They are much more beneficial than traditional sales tactics and advertisement. Display boxes have the ability to attract a heap of customers at first sight. The companies which fail to realize the significance of display packaging, all of their efforts and money goes in vain. These custom printed boxes can be displayed at various distribution points to divert the attention of customers within seconds. At the time of promotion, you can easily add labels and other promotional material on the custom boxes used for product display. It attracts customers by highlighting the sales and discounts in an effective manner.
Packaging Ideas for Display Boxes:
If you are looking for ways to market your products, display boxes are the best option. You might have seen them on a number of places like retails outlets, supermarkets, and grocery stores etc. It’s a proven tactic to boost your sales. These custom packaging boxes are designed in a colorful and enticing way to encourage instant buying. They provide the customers with useful information about promos and discounts without occupying much space in the supermarket. There are different types of packaging ideas for display boxes like countertop display, floor display, power wing, and endcap etc. Each of them has its own characteristics. So it’s better to make an analysis that which type of display boxes at THE CUSTOM BOXES can meet your product’s need.
- Counter Top Displays
As the name indicates, countertop displays are the custom boxes which are placed near the counter or cashier. This is considered a highly effective way to boost up the sales. As they are placed next to the counter so they act as gift boxes for the customers, making them to easily access the products by increasing their visibility. They are designed in attractive and eye-catching colors to grasp the attention of customers as they reach near the counter. Many of the times, customers might miss something due to a number of products placed one after the other in a retail store. But countertop displays are made for the items which you do not want the customers to overlook like chocolates, candies, CDs, magazines or other small items.
- Floor Displays
Another common type of custom boxes used for displaying the products is floor displays. They are freestanding and larger in size than countertop displays; therefore they are placed on the floor. They can be placed anywhere like supermarkets, grocery store, and retail outlets. They are also used to display apparel or cosmetic boxes in an eye-catching way. Floor displays are usually sturdy and more durable than other types of display boxes. They are designed from different layers of corrugated cardboard to sustain heavy weight to various products on its shelves.
- Power Wings
Power wings are also famous by the name of sidekicks. They are small display boxes attached to the main shelves or any other fixed structure inside the grocery stores. These attractive custom printed boxes are used to place small items effectively to reduce the space. In order to pull off this marketing strategy, it is recommended to hang the power displays at eye level to enhance the impulse purchases.
- Endcaps
While the power wings are attached to the shelves, endcaps are the displays placed at the end of the aisle right after the main shelf. Such displays are even stronger and more durable than floor displays because they are designed to hold a large number of items. Endcaps should include some of the touch-and-feel components of the product.
- Hook Display Stand:
Another interesting idea for display boxes is a hook display stand. It is placed in a vertical position and can be divided into multidimensional hooks style or the one which single sided hooks. All this depends upon the nature and quantity of products you want to display. It is fitted with a rotatable base so that customers can view the products from 360 degrees. It’s an effective way to organize your items. Hook display stand is designed from various types of materials like metal, plastic wood or even cardboard. You can place them anywhere to suit the layout of your store. Hood display stands made up of cardboard are affordable, durable, long lasting and lightweight. You are easy to assemble and you can change their position easily after intervals of time. They are very convenient to use by the customers and prove a great addition to your shop floor.
- Pallet Display Stand:
Pallet stands are another type of displays used for the promotion of merchandise. They are also large in size and can effectively display a large number of items. They are placed in the super-promotional period to give a good eye-catching effect. These custom packaging boxes are designed from an attractive combination of colors to make them highly appealing for the customers. They can be made in different shapes like a car, house, and buses etc to give an innovative look.