7 Tips On How To Become A Successful Entrepreneur

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By Sarah Jay

7 Tips On How To Become A Successful Entrepreneur

Are you about to begin your entrepreneurial journey and wonder how you can become a successful entrepreneur? It takes courage to start your own business and go down this unconventional path, especially with the unforeseen challenges you will face along the way.

Having a business mindset is important, but you should also learn from successful entrepreneurs to maximize your chance of success.

I have listened to hundreds of podcasts, watched interviews online, read books written by successful entrepreneurs, and here are the 7 tips I learned on how to become a successful entrepreneur. Let’s dive into it.

Tip #1 Know That It Will Be Difficult

It’s not easy to become a successful entrepreneur. 45.7% of businesses fail after 5 years and the failure rate is even higher for online businesses, where  90% of them fail in the first four months.  

The gurus online will tell you it’s easy to make money but it’s only true to them because they have done it before, it will be hard for beginners like us. Having the wrong expectations makes many think they are not fit to be an entrepreneur and give up when they are confronted by harsh reality.

Have the right expectations and keep pushing through difficult times, it will separate you from the majority and move you toward success.

Tip #2 Be A Learner

It’s all about learning. A Successful entrepreneur may not be the smartest, but they are always learning and aiming to be better.

That means they humble themselves and learn from everything and everyone around them, and they don’t repeat the same mistakes.

You can be someone who doesn’t have any skills or knowledge in a particular field, but if you learn, you can still be successful one day.

The entrepreneurial world is an ever-changing space, you can only become a successful entrepreneur if you are always learning and adapting.

Tip #3 Be 1% Better Everyday

Aim to be 1% better every day, and you will be 37.7 times better in a year.

We often fall into the delusion we are going somewhere because we are doing the work every day. Repeating the same process without seeking ways to improve yourself and your business can be futile.

If you advertise the same ad with the same call-to-action and the same script every day, the results will probably be the same.

If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to ask yourself this question at the end of every day, “Did I do something a little bit better today?”, and you will be surprised by how much you grow in a year..

Tips #4 Break It Down To Smaller Steps

When things get too complicated and overwhelming, you will feel stuck and not sure what to do. Break your goals down into small and actionable steps and give you some directions.

If you need to build a website, start by registering an email, watch a YouTube tutorial, and move forward from there. Your path will become clearer as you move closer to your goal by taking these small actionable steps.

Tip #5 Don’t Be Afraid To Do What Others Do

Doing what others do doesn’t always mean copying. When your competitors use AI to facilitate and improve their businesses, you should do it too; if they launch a new product that increases their sales by two-fold, you should create a version of your own to compete with them.

It’s never right to copy, but don’t reinvent the wheel, follow the market trends and provide a better product and service to people is how you can be a successful entrepreneur.

Tip #6 Discipline Is Key

Motivation is important but it doesn’t last forever. There will be days when you just don’t want to do anything but discipline means doing the work even when you don’t feel like it.

Set your work hours and execute them, and of course, be 1% better every day.  No one can be successful without self-discipline, you need to cultivate one to become a successful entrepreneur.

Tip #7 Do What You Are Good At

A minority of people pursued their passions and turned their passion into a thriving business. However, they are rare events.

In business, you want to do what you are good at to increase the chance of success. Instead of putting extra effort into becoming better at what you are passionate about, you should do what you are naturally skilled in.

Let your passion be your passion, and focus on building a successful business so you can do what you love later.


Becoming a successful entrepreneur requires time, dedication, and hard work. I hope these 7 tips are beneficial, and I wish you all the best on your entrepreneurial journey.

About Sarah Jay

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